The Story
If you are new to Charmed, you'll probably want to know the story line? Well, here it is:

When Penny (The girls grandmother - referred to by Grams) died, she left the power of the 'Charmed Ones' up to them. Prue, the oldest was left with her grandmothers power; Telekinisis, the power to move this with her mind. Piper, the middle sister, was left with her mothers power of Temperal Status; to freeze time, and Phoebe, the youngest, got the power of Premenition; to see into a future or past event. Phoebe was the one that found the Book of Shadows, a powerful magical book to help them fight evil demons and warlocks, who wanted nothing more then to kill and take witches powers. They went through saving innocents, faries, angels, themselves and more before meeting the demon Shax. Shax, like every other demon, wanted to kill the sisters so that the Power of Three no longer exsisted. He suceeded. He killed Prue and there was no way to bring her back. However, the power of three wasn't exactly broken for good. Their mother, Patty, had had an affair with her whitelighter Sam. Because of the whitelighter/witch rule they had to give their daughter up at birth. Piper and Phoebe soon found beloved, Paige Matthews and the power of three was reunited. Leo and Piper (the witch and whitelighter that married each other after the elders blessings) had a baby in season 5 and to everyone suprise (because when they went to the future they had seen a girl) it was a boy whom they named Wyatt (after Leo's last name) Matthew (after Paige's last name) Halliwell (the Halliwell familys last name obviously!)