What is a Poem :
Just like what you see in the picture , the order these  flowers are organized is what make the view intresting and attractive ; in the same way is a poem which depends on choice of words and the way they are organized

A poem is some words which are choosen carefully and written in an attractive way to gain their effects on the person who reads them as quickly as possible .
The Rhythm :

All languages have naturalspeech rhythm.This natural rhythm is very hard for new learners of a langauge to imitate (perhaps you have noticed this in hearing foreigners speaking Arabic).
In english if owrds are more than one syllable we stress one of these styllabes more than another :
Why poets are diffrent from other from other people in the use of the language :
A poem can be written about anything.what makes a pieace of writting a poem is not what it is about, but how it is written.
All good writers use language skilfully, but poets have to be particularly skilfull in their use of language, for they have to get their effects quickly in just a few words.
The Rhyme :

Words rhyme if they or their last syllables sound alike:
near/fear,Hand/sand; foreinger/mariner.Remmber it is the sound that makes the rhyme.Words may rhyme even if they do not look alike: enough/stuff; through/true.
Shakespear :
His name is William Shakespear he was born in ... he is know as great as his poems and playwrties
Shakespear wrote many poems and he had a magical touch on his work and he is called the man with spirit, and he is well known for his play Romeo&Juliate

Women History in Poetry:

A simile is a comparison when one thing is said to be 'like' or 'as' another : 'Her smile was like sunshine; I felt as free as a bird.
examples :
Fair as a star,when only one
is shining in the sky.
The smilie is "fair as a star"he compares his love with a star.