A Page for Bubblepants
Ok folks, as well as my wonderful Bot family, I have made some cracking good pals over the internet, one of whom is Bubblepants.  So, this page is dedicated to you and your's hun
I luv ya!!!
Who is Bubblepants? I hear you ask, well all shall be revealed.

I first met this wacky chick in The Bronze (where else?) where she posts under the alias Sissy1.  She was actually one of the first people I spoke to there, and I am very glad I did.

Obviously we are still in touch, and I could regale you with tales of her raucous emails, but for that I would need her permission!

What I can tell you, is that Sissy1 was known to me as 'The Coyote Hunter' for some time, and thanks to that funny name changey thing that circled around via email (yes, I was Loopy Diaper Mouth), Sissy1 became Bubblepants.  I don't know if she likes being called this, but it still cracks me up, so I'm sticking too it!
Bubblepants: Settling down on a Tuesday night to the new episode of Buffy
Over time, I have come to know Bubblepants pretty well, and like I said, she has to be one of the nicest people I have ever met.

Even though we are (so far) only cyber-friends, she  and I love to share our respective families, so I am including a few pictures that she has kindly provided for me.

To the  right you will see the legendary Spongebob Squarepants.  That's right ladies and gentlemen, my good friend happened to stumble across the good fortune of ensnaring this fine specimen, and has been his good lady-wife for some time now.
Spongebob: Hotty Husband to this crazy chick
One of the first things that endeared me to my one time 'Coyote Hunter', was her good breeding, so I feel I must also pay homage to her fine parents.

I'm sure it wasn't easy raising such a tear away and I salute you!

As you can see, good looks run through this family, but there is more than meets the eye to my fabled friend.

This genius can count all the way to ten (which is no mean feat when you don't have fingers) as well as recite the lyrics to at least one song featured in 'Once More with Feeling'.

Mom: She was a real Tiger in her day!
Pops: Really not happy about having to watch OMWF.....AGAIN!!!
I suppose I should also confess that our relatiionship has not always been a bed of roses. 
Poor Bubble has, had to deal with my infatuation with her brother and when it didn't work out, things went a little awry.

Thankfully, I am able to say, with  our mutual love of BtVS we made it through and are dear friends to this day.

What can I say, that hasn't already been said? I guess there are no words!

So there you have it guy's and doll's, Bubblepants - A friend for life and not just for Christmas.

Big Bro: Alas, the one that got away....*sigh*
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