July 3, 2003

Banging Heads With Belak


Wade continued to develop into a solid NHLer, leading the Leafs in penalty minutes last season
Wade Belak will look to continue his role as Maple Leafs enforcer while continuing to play both forward and defence. Wade took some time with mapleleafs.com to let us in on some of his likes, dislikes, hopes and dreams.

Favourite sport besides hockey?
Favourite Pizza topping? Cheese
Favourite animal? Dog
Favourite band? Metallica
All-time favourite movie? The Program
Favourite Book: Motley Crue Biography
Favourite TV show? That 70's Show
Like to learn to. . . Fish like the pro's
Favourite Subject in School? History
Country you'd most like to visit? Italy
Who had the biggest impact on your life? My Parents
You've discovered a Genie and have been granted three wishes. You just burned the first two winning the Stanley Cup and securing wealth and happiness. How would you use the third? Stay young and live for ever Greatest hockey moment? Scoring 1st NHL goal
With my 1st NHL paycheque I: Bought a suit
Person I'd like to meet: Mel Gibson
When the season's over I want to: Go on a trip
Toughest goalie to beat? All of them
Dr. Evil or Austin? Austin
Springer or Oprah? Springer
Wayne or Mario? Wayne
Tiger or Jack? Tiger
Simpsons or Seinfeld? Simpsons
Playing cards or Playstation? Playstation