Class Information |
Table Groups In the class, students are arranged in groups of five. Each month, groups pick a team name, and earn table points by showing respect, working hard, and paying attention. At the end of each week the group with the most points earns a pick from the treat box. Weekly scores are kept and at the end of the month the table with the highest cumulative points earns a lunch date in the classroom with Mrs. Valkenaar. Our goal is to have all tables earn the same points, and everyone would win, but everyone should work hard and do the best they can!! |
Marble Madness Each day our class earns marbles. Marbles are given for good behavior during passing times. We can earn 5 marbles per trip. Since we leave our classroom at least 3 time each day...we could earn 5x3=__ marbles in a day. Most school weeks have 5 days so...15x5=___. A month has about 4 weeks so...75x4=___. The marble basket contains 200 marbles and 4 compliment marbles. When the marbles are completely moved to the jar, our class is rewarded with a POPCORN PARTY. This is a fun day where we hold a "Read-Over." At the 'read-over,' students may wear pajamas and slippers at school and read their favorite books. In the afternoon, Mrs. Valkenaar will provide popcorn for everyone to enjoy. This is a fun way to remind everyone to stay quiet and courteous in the hallways! |
Zip it or Flip it To make sure each student is working hard and following our class responsibilities, we follow a card system. Under this system, each student begins the day with a green card. If a student chooses to misbehave by talking out of turn, disrespecting another student, or being disruptive in any other way, he or she will be asked to turn the card. The first turn results in a yellow dot on the green card. This is a visual reminder for the student to follow the rules. If the card gets turned again, a yellow card is given. The yellow card results in a Recess Detention and a note to be sent home and signed by a parent. The third turn will result in a red card. A red card gives a Recess Detention, a note home, and a referral to the office for a morning detention. Any week in which the whole class DOES NOT turn a card, Mrs. Valkenaar will join the class for lunch in the cafeteria. |