TI-83 Graphing Calculator | $130 | Staples
OfficeMax Texas Instruments |
Deck of playing cards | $1 | drug store, grocery store, toy store |
Set | $15 | www.setgame.com |
Dry erase board, markers | $5-20 | Staples
Office Max Target AC Moore |
Rubic's Cube | $5-15 | |
Tower of Hanoi | $15 | Toys R Us, Target |
Othello (board game) | $15 | Toys R Us, Target |
Mancala | $15 | Toys R Us, Target |
Origami book and papers | $3-20 | AC Moore, Borders, Barnes &Noble |
Supplies: pencils, filler paper | under $5 fr LOTS | Office Max, grocery store, etc. |
Some Resources On-Line | Staples
OfficeMax Target AC Moore Toys R Us |
DISCLAIMER: This is a personal recommendation of products which I think enhance a student's math skills and encourages an interest in math. I am not receiving any compensation from the maker of any products, nor is this list an endorsement of the products.