Name That Sliders Scene Poems
Darkness Falls
Answer: The lesson that was learned was that one has to take responsiblity for his or her actions and accept the consequences that come from them. Since someone is dying because of one's actions, the responsibility becomes real to that person. Who has the most responsibility? Quinn does and he accepts it at this point.
These are Quinn's thoughts when he cradles and cries over the dying Commander Wade on Russia world in the Pilot. He thought this double was his Wade. At this point, he accepts his reponsiblity and the consequences of his actions. If he didn't believe that this was his Wade, he probably wouldn't have taken up the responsibility to get everyone home until later.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Shattering The Dream
Here's Tigs' answer:
Colin's pipe: $57.98
Maggie's burnt cookies: $3.79
Rembrandt's shock: $4,000
Quinn's new Motto: Priceless
Just say No: All four in the house.
Here's an explanation for each stanza
“Saccharine-laced happiness... Unearned bliss...” refers to someone that's been using drugs in Just Say Yes.
“Wide-eyed childish innocence...” this could only be referring to Colin.
“Reminds me of another place and time... A murder... A watch... “ refers to Murder Most Foul with the Professor as Reginald Doyle investigating the murder of a woman. The watch was used to reinforce the Doyle character. The reason I put this in there was because the scene is the one from Just Say Yes when Quinn and Remmy find a drugged up Colin smoking a pipe and a cookie burning Maggie.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Eddies In My Heart
Callie21V's answer: ...the end of "Prince of Wails" when Harold asks Wade to stay as his queen.
Explanation: I used the word eddies, singular is eddy, to describe the whirlpool of emotions in this person after the sliders left. This person bore tremendous responsibilites and asked a question to one of the sliders because "...Sharing the yoke with another... Lightens the burden for both," but "...The path is not taken... That destiny is for another."
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Attaining the Goal
Answer: The Breeder where Maggie runs at Remmy and he smashes her through the plate glass window so reminiscent of 'Species.'
“Only instinct courses through your mind” refers to the basic instincts of survival, hunger, sleep or procreation. Instinct supersedes any rational thought because “Nothing matters but attaining the goal.”
Explanation: “Nothing will stand in your way... Neither man, machine or law...” The instinct for survival and procreation are strong driving forces in both humans and animals and they will do anything to achieve that goal. “Resist and die... Give in and live” refers not to the person or animal, but to the prey.
“You fly through the air... Not to your death, but to escape... To prey on others... To achieve your goal” doesn't mean escape through a vortex since I make no mention of one. Who preyed on others? Rickman for the brain fluid and Maggie did when she was had that parasite in her.
Putting all the clues together - the need for procreation, the lack of rational thought, the absence of a vortex, preying on others leads and flying into the air to escape leads to a scene in The Breeder.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Windows to the Soul
Recall317's answer: “Invasion”, Act 4. This is the unseen prisoner played by Jason Gaffney. His eyes are gone and he can never return. And if he can't go home, neither will anyone else.
“Guards! Guards! The prisoners are escaping!”
Explanation: All the stanzas except for the last one refer to someone in a prison either physical or mental or both. In this prison, “Time stands still... As seconds flow into hours, days, years” There's nothing to do except “Time to reflect on the past...Time to contemplate the present...Time to pray for death...Your only future.”
The person would have been in this prison for a period of time because “Spirit broken... Mind opened like book... Heart filled with nothingness... Soul scarred for life” and “Hopelessness, despair and loneliness...Now bathe my soul”
“Shuttered tightly are the windows to my soul” refer to the eyes.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Reflecting on the Past
Blinker's driveby answer: Good/Bad/Wealthylookinginthemirrorafterhekilledtheguygottagonight! I'll let him explain. :-D
Okay, here's my theory. This would be the scene in the Dominion where Quinn agonizes over shooting Jed Dalton:
Different worlds
Different societies
Different moralities
Different prices on life and death
Both are high prices for meThis would tie into the scene's dialogue:
Arturo: “Life, here, is cheap.”
Quinn: “Dead is dead, professor. The fact that nobody gives a damn doesn't make me feel any better.”
Reflections from the past
I've done two things I've never done before
Now they live in my memory
How do I live with myself?
Well, the main thing he's never done before would be committing murder... I guess the other could be firing a gun.
Whose reflection is that?
A true reflection of me
Someone I wish to be
An illusion
No matter who it is, it's still me
As Quinn stares at himself in the mirror...
Time heals all wounds
But not this one
This one will always be there
Festering in my soul
Demanding penance
Demanding retribution
Healed only at my deathWade: “Are you all right?”
Quinn: “Nothing a bullet between the eyes wouldn't cure.”
Whew! Good thing he found out shortly afterward that he *didn't* fire the shot that killed Dalton. I don't really see what difference it makes, seeing as he *tried* to and the man *did* die, but hey. If it's good enough for Quinn's conscience, it's good enough for me...
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* A Balancing Act
Recall's answer: First stanza is undoubtedly Ryan. OHHHHHH!!!! You want me to tell you WHICH scene. Gee, I guess I didn't mention that part. It happens when they're outside, just as the Lottery police are coming for Rembrandt.
Anyway, 1st stanza Ryan, 2nd Wade, 3rd Ryan.
Explanation: I threw in a little twist on the POV. The others I have done are from one POV. In this one, there are two points of view. Besides this has got to be my favorite scene. :-D Thanks to Recall for his transcription services.
Here's the explanation of this poem.
Hesitation in my voice
Wondering if there is another
Hoping there is no other
Ryan: So who was that guy? (laughs weakly before walking on the railing of the bridge then jumps off) The guy that showed up late?
Wade: He’s a friend.
Ryan: I’m not getting in the middle of something, am I?
Wade: (stops) It’s sort of a long story.
A balancing act
Ryan walking on the railing
You are the star in the
Grand illumination of the night
When Wade turns around to face Ryan, there are lights in the background.
Taking a chance
There's very little time left
Ryan exhales as he admires Wade. He moves some stray hair off her right ear and kisses her. Wade breaks off the kiss.
My mind swirls with emotions
Many complications in our path
How do I answer?
Do I lie?
Do I tell the truth?
I give the answer
Trust in what I say
All the truth laid out for you
Wade: Oh, Ryan, I…I can't.
Ryan: What's the matter?
Wade turns away from Ryan.
Wade: This is happening way too fast.
Ryan: Ordinarily, I would say let's take it slow, but we're scheduled to make way in the morning.
Wade: Can I trust you?
Ryan: To my grave.
Wade: What I'm about to say is going to sound pretty shocking. (turns to Ryan) I'm from a parallel world.
Astonishment and anger are my responses
Denial and betrayal are the next
Ryan: (shocked & surprised) What?
Wade: Look. It's not going to make a whole lot of sense. The point is that I entered this lottery under false pretenses. I don't want to die.
Ryan: (betrayed) Wait a minute. You're not a right-to-lifer, are you?
The consequences are dire
I try to explain them
Afraid for my life and yours
Wade: No. Look. I don't understand the way this society works, okay. Right-to-lifers and everything. The point is I've got to get out of here. My friends… those guys… you saw me with. We're scheduled to leave here in a couple of hours.
Ryan: You realize what you're saying? I mean, in the first place, they aren't going to let you leave. You'll get the process.
Wade: Process?
Ryan: The penalty for subverting the lottery system. They're going to make you pay in pain before they kill you.
Danger is in the air
I decide to walk away
I need time to think
I turn my back on you
(Sirens wailing in the distance.)
Wade: What are those sirens?
Ryan: Lottery police. You didn't say anything about this to anybody, did you?
Wade: No.
Ryan: (exhales) Must be the demonstrators.
Wade: Ryan, listen to me. If you help me, then neither one of us has to die tomorrow. You can come with us.
Ryan: No, see. I shouldn't be listening to this. You have no idea what these people are capable of. (starts to walk away)
Wade: Ryan, wait.
Ryan: No. For your own good… okay. Don’t even… think about it.
Ryan walks away without looking back at her just as the lottery police arrive.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* My Destiny
Answer: The card reader the Kromagg tricked in Mother and Child
Explanation: When Blinker told me of this scene, I laughed for a while because I've always had a nitpick about this scene. Kromaggs can control human minds and now they can control machines too? ROFLMAOCBNO2 x 100!!!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Victory
Blinker's answer and explanation: It's pretty much self-explanatory, but I'm thinking this is the "Slither" snakes' rallying cry as they race to free the tri-adder's girlfriend from the drug harvesters. Recall must have the same warped sense of humour as I do when it comes to choosing episodes and perspectives.
I'm still in awe that snakes can break down a door like that. Gravity must be different on that world. :-D
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Sweet Surrender
Answer: The candle's perspective that bored Quinn plays with before kissing and dancing with Wade in Last Days.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* First Impressions
Recall's answer and explanation: If my gut instinct was right, then I'm going to narrow my search down to the end of the third season...OH, JEEZ! It's staring right at me!
Exodus I
This is where Maggie and her comically inept team get disarmed by the sliders and she gets shoved in the trunk. “First Impressions” Geez, duh! This is the first time she meets Quinn. The chaos is the looting from the air raid sirens, the prey is Dr. Jurabiek, but she's too late as he's already dead.
As to why she couldn't do her job? Well, that's the incompetence. In any event, Quinn completely overwhelmed her and her team, she failed miserably, and ended up locked in the back of a sedan...probably not for the first time.
“The name's Mallory. Quinn Mallory.”
I always have uncontrollable fits of laughter watching this scene because it's very obvious that Captain Maggie is holding her gun incorrectly.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* An Honest Opinion
TemporalFlux's answer and explanation: “The King is Back”
Under the moonlight
Candle lights glowing
Maurice Fish has Remmy tied up in his basement. It is night-time...lit candles adorning the background.
A private performance
A memorable one
One that I will never forget
“Slap me, love me...Wooooooooo”
From Remmy's perspective after listening to Little Fishard.
An honest opinion?
Not on my life
What would you say to a man with a razor blade? ;-)
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Test of Wills
Recall's answer and explanation: Wrong Dead Arturo. My instincts pointed me here originally, but I never could figure out the perspective. But the answers were all there in the original guesses.
Blinker turned out to be right. [Blinker had guessed it to be a camera.] It is a camera! A security camera. This is Double Cross and the test of wills is between Logan and Arturo. Logan wins.
Mmmm... Grimace!
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Test of Convictions
Answer: The incinerator in Prophets and Loss loves to turn people to ashes. :-D
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Actions
Answer: The Flame Within from the Flame's perspective when it saves a drunken Quinn from being run over.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Promises
The original timer's perspective when Arturo, Wade and Remmy miss the slide in Slide Like An Egyptian.
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Parallels
Recall's Answer: Invasion, when Arturo and Quinn are inside the ship, probably after they find the dead Kromagg.
Explanation: “Horror in one’s eyes”- Quinn seeing the Kromagg
“Curiosity in another” - Professor takes the triangular device, probably a tracker
“Responsibility burdens one’s mind” - Quinn admits he feels guilty about shooting down the ship
“Thirst of knowledge dances in another” - Arturo wants to know
“Parallel paths now cross” - Kromaggs are an evolutionary pathway that was dominant
“Guilt will soon make their souls its home” - Arturo when the Maggs follow them to New France and Quinn for being the one that shot down the ship
~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Friendship
Answer: This is from Remmy, Maggie and Diana's POV when a seemingly normal Mallory offers them the water with the nanites before the invention of the blacklight in New Gods For Old.
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