We have approximately 15 members between the ages of 6-16. We meet the first Friday of every month (except summer months). Our club reporter keeps the community informed about our club with newspaper articles sent to all the local papers, and dairy cattle/agricultural news papers. In the winter months members have the chance to prepare and perform a speech, a demonstration or speak-n-show, for the rest of the club, and possibly even the district (for speeches & demonstrations). These competitions are incredibly useful experiences for later on in life, even if they seem very challenging right now. Members attend a dairy cattle practice judging with the club during the spring, at a club member's farm, and then club members compete at the North Fraser District Judging Rally in May. During the summer members have the opportunity to attend several fairs including the Maple Ridge Fair (Our "Achievement Day" fair like many other North Fraser District clubs), Chilliwack Fair, Abbotsford Agrifair, and the Agassiz Fall Fair and possibly a few others. At these fairs, members show their dairy calves in showmanship and calf placing classes, as well as take part in various 4-H activities.
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