1. Read and take notes from the websites on Poe: Biography 1, Biography 2.
A. You will design a biography sheet to cover the life and death of Poe. See me for two pieces of white paper and supplies. You will need to include:
o A time-line of at least 7 important dates in Poe's life
o A list of six of his stories and four of his poems
o A brief description of his life in paragraph form (10 sentences minimum.)
2. Read and take notes about Poe's death: How Did Poe Die?
o Your assignment will be to write an obituary of Poe.
o Include his birth and death dates
o Also include your theory on his cause of death (Minimum 7 sentences.)
3. You will find Poe's grave at this special grave finder site.
A. Where is his grave located?
o Write a brief description (5 sentences).
o Design a new grave marker for Poe – this should look neat and be creative, it should fill one entire sheet of computer paper. It needs to be done in color.