First grade is as easy as 'A B C' with these quick facts!
is for Attendance
Your child's attendance at school is very important. I view attendance as 'Miss School, Miss Out.' Our school day begins at 8:50 a.m. and dismissal of busses starts at 3:05 p.m. Children should attend school and be on time every day to help attain success. We all realize that there are times that your child is unable to attend school. In those cases, please follow the following guidelines.
If your child is absent or tardy from school, please send an excuse in with your child upon his/her return to school. You may print copies of an excuse form by clicking here. (Adobe Acrobat Reader is required)
Educational trips are a legitimate excuse for being absent from school. Arrangements for such trips should be made well advance of the day of the trip and permission to be excused from school must be granted by the Principal at least three (3) days prior to the intended absence to be considered excused. Parents should obtain the proper Education Trip Request Form from the office, complete and return it to the office.
According to our handbook, students are tardy upon entering the building after 8:50 a.m. Students arriving after 11:55 a.m. will be considered absent for one-half day. Students departing school before 11:55 a.m. will be considered absent for one-half day. Parents must sign in tardy students at the office and present a valid reason for the tardiness.
If a child is to be dismissed early, a note must be sent with the child on the day he/she is to be excused (or the day prior to the early excusal, if possible). The note should include the date and the time the child is to be excused, the reason for the excusal and the means of transportation. Parents should report to the office when a child is to be dismissed other than the normal time. In case of an emergency, the parent should phone the school office and give the necessary information.
is for Bus Rules
Bus transportation and bus routes have been arranged through the collaborative efforts of the Smith Bus Company and the Blairsville-Saltsburg School District for the safety and convenience of our students. The following restrictions apply:
1. Students are to ride their scheduled bus.
2. Students will be assigned seats on the bus according to the bus driver.
3. Students will remain seated while the bus is in motion.
4. The school discipline policy is in effect on the bus and at the bus stop.
Any student of the Blairsville-Saltsburg School District who is transported by bus is to load and unload at his/her designated stop and is to ride the bus or busses which have been assigned. A child is not to accompany another child on the school bus for visits, parties, etc. Parents are required to make arrangements for transportation. If it is necessary for a student to ride home with a classmate, parents of both students are required to send notes with written permission. The child will then be issued a bus pass.
Please consult your handbook for more Bus Safety Tips.
is for Cafeteria
Our school district offers both breakfast and lunch for the students. A monthly menu is sent home with each student and may also be accessed by clicking here. Prices for cafeteria meals are:
Breakfast: $ .85
Lunch: $1.50
The following rules apply in the cafeteria to ensure all students can relax, enjoy a nourishing meal, and socialize with friends.
1. Be polite to the cafeteria staff
2. Use proper table manners
3. Talk quietly
4. Walk at all times
As a special treat on Fridays, ice cream is sold to students. Students wishing to purchase ice cream should bring $ .50 to school on Friday.
is for Donations
Our classroom is always collecting recycled materials we can use for projects, crafts, and more! Instead of tossing it, we'd love for you to donate it to our class. We can always use old magazines, empty coffee and Pringles cans with lids, cardboard paper towel rolls, and more. Check out our wish list or let me know if you have other items you think we could put to good use!
In addition to these recycled items, our school is always collecting labels from numerous products to earn money to help buy items for the students. Please check our wish list to find out what labels our school collects.
is for Everyday Math
Our district follows the Everyday Math program which:
Teaches problem solving for everyday situations
Develops readiness through hands-on activities
Establishes links between past experiences and explorations of new concepts
Shares ideas through discussion
Provides cooperative learning experiences through partner and small-group activities
Promotes practice through the use of games
Incorporates review throughout the year
Maintains daily routines
Includes informal assessment
Develops home and school partnerships
Learn more by visiting our Everyday Math page.
is for Fire Drills
Fire drills as well as weather and other emergency drills will be conducted throughout the year. Our class will exit the building in a quiet and orderly fashion. Upon hearing the 'all clear' signal, we will re-enter the building.
is for Gym Class
Students will attend gym class on Thursdays. Please be sure to dress your child in proper attire (pants and sneakers), so he/she may fully participate in the activities planned.
is for Health Services
The school nurse, Mrs. Pearce, is available during the school day to care for the health needs of the students. If your child is not feeling well during the day, he/she should inform the teacher. The teacher will send the student to the nurse's office. The nurse will lend assistance in the form of first aid to the student. Beyond this temporary care, the nurse will be guided by the information provided by the parent/guardian on the Emergency Care card. Please inform the school immediately if information on the card needs to be updated.
is for Inclement Weather
When weather conditions make traveling dangerous or when emergencies arise, our school may be delayed in starting or closed. You are requested to stay to tuned to local radio and TV stations as listed with the school calendar.
Working parents should make prior arrangements for a place for their children to stay if an emergency arises and early dismissal becomes necessary.
Click here for delay/cancellation information.
is for Journals
First graders will practice their writing skills in their journals. You'll be amazed at the progress from their beginning of the year writing compared to the end of the year entries.
is for Keeping In Touch
It is important for teachers and families to keep an open line of communication. Therefore, expect regular newsletters, notes, and phone calls. Please feel free to call me, send in a note, or email me with any questions or concerns. I believe that our partnership will only further promote the success of the students.
is for Library
Our class visits the library every Monday. Mrs. Kennedy, our school librarian, will instruct the students on proper library procedures as well as promote a love of books. Students will be permitted to check out books from the library. Care should be taken with the borrowed books until they are returned.
is for Music and Art
Music and art are crucial elements to the development of a child. Our class will attend music class on Fridays and art class on Mondays. The students will learn and practice principles of art and music. Mrs. Buchanan, our music teacher, and Ms. Dodson, our art teacher, will surely send your child home with lots to share.
is for News of the Day
Every afternoon, our class takes part in an interactive writing of the news of the day or the 'Daily News'. The students are excited to discuss the daily events at school and at home in addition to looking forward to the events to come. This writing opportunity allows me to model writing techniques such as complete sentences, capitalization, end punctuation, and more as well as an opportunity for students to recognize reading and spelling patterns.
is for Outdoor Recess
First grade students participate in a daily recess. Improper behavior in class may result in the loss of some or all recess privileges. When weather does not permit outdoor recess, recess will be conducted indoors. When outdoor recess is conducted, only those students properly dressed for the weather conditions will be permitted outside.
is for Parties and Celebrations
Parties are held three (3) times a year.
They include Fall/Harvest, Christmas, and Valentine's Day.
Please note: Invitations for birthday or other parties are not to be delivered at school nor will the school provide addresses or phone numbers.
is for Quiet Time
Please set aside some 'Quiet Time' for your child each and every night. This can be a time for him/her to read, talk to you about his/her day, or prepare and organize for the next day. This time will be well worth it for you and your child!
is for Reading
Reading is an integral part of our first grade curriculum. A large part of your child's day is spent on reading instruction. Our district supports a Balanced Literacy program which includes:
Guided reading and writing
Shared reading and writing
Independent reading and writing
Interactive writing
Be sure to read more about balanced literacy in our room and ways you can support your child's progress in reading by visiting our reading page.
is for Song and Poetry Folders
Song and Poetry Folders are an ongoing collection of the songs and poetry we use and read in our classroom. Expect to see a new song/poem added weekly. This folder will promote confidence in your child's reading by providing familiar material. Please take time each week to visit his/her favorite selection. You can also view our songs and poems online!
is for Take-Home Folders
Take Home folders are an integral part of home-school communication. This folder should be transported from school to home and back each day. Please check your child's folder for homework, notes from school, and other information each night. I check the folders in the morning, so please place notes to me, homework, and other papers back in your child's Take Home folder.
is for Useful Information
Here is some useful information to make the school year run more smoothly.
When sending money to the school, please place in an envelope with your child's name, my name, and what the money is for written on the outside.
Encourage your child to always do his/her best. Promote neatness, attention to detail, and puting forth best effort to develop these good work habits for years to come.
Please praise and support your child throughout the year. He/she will make many small accomplishments that deserve special attention. Let's make sure he/she knows how proud we all are.
is for Volunteers
Volunteers are always welcome at our school and in our classroom. Please let me know if you would like to volunteer. Also consider involving yourself with our PTO. The BES Parent-Teacher Organization is active and supportive in our school. Please contact the school for further information.
is for Wait Time Folders
Each student has a wait time folder filled with activities to do when he/she finishes with work early. These activities provide students with practice opportunities, seasonal and holiday extensions, and enrichment in other curricular areas.
is for eXpectations
First graders are expected to follow school and classroom rules at all times. This includes:
Be kind to other
Follow all directions
Always do your best work
Students are rewarded for positive behavior in our classroom with a variety of privledges and prizes. Visit our behavior plan page for more information.
is for Yearbooks and School Pictures
Yearbooks will be sold to students later this year. These are a nice reminder of the student's class and activities for the year. Pictures are also taken in September. Parents have the opportunity to purchase the photo package of their choice. Updates will be sent home with more information.
is for ZZZZZs
It is essential that your child gets plenty of rest (or ZZZZZs) each and every night. First graders work very hard each and everyday and are often tired by 3:00. By getting plenty of rest and eating a good breakfast, your child will have the energy needed to help him/her make the most of each day!
Some information on this page has been taken from the 2002-2003 Blairsville Elementary Parent-Student Handbook.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me!
Special thanks to:
for the graphics!
All rights reserved © Stephanie Jake 2002