What's New?
November 27, 2002:
Today seems to be an appropriate day to start writing this section. This afternoon I recieved an almost unbelievable Phone call from My wife's fertility Doctor. The woman on the other end of the phone indicated to me that Donna's pregnancy test had come back positive. This was quite a shock to me as we had been trying unsuccessfully for over two years. We had worked our way up the ladder Through different types of Inseminations with I.V.F Being the one the doctors were presently using. This round however apparently worked. I called Donna at work and she did'nt believe me. We are both very excited as we have been trying to have a child together for quite some time. We were starting to think that it was'nt going to work. My sperm count has been at an all time low ( partially due to "tucking"), and we were still unsure how successfull Her cervical loop had been 4 years prior( pre-cancer of the cervix). All and all its been quite a day, and we have quite alot of planning to do in the near future.

       December 17, 2002:
      You would have thought that the above post would have been the big heart stopper of the year but as we have found it was just the beginning. At Donna's first ultrasound today We found out that we were one of those against the odds statistics they tell you about. When the doctors put the embryos in donna's uterous they said there was a chance they both could take and we could have ferternal twins. This did not happen as only one of the two embryos attached and began growing. What did happen however was the real surprise. The embryo that did attatch, split naturaly and is now developing into identical twins. This now makes donna's pregnancy a high risk one, but our hopes are high and presently things look good. Ive had no problem in the past caring for my little ones one at a time .... but two at once .... This should be interesting. =)

   More to come....

         January 20, 2003:
It's been a little over a month since my last post to this site. As usual alot has happened. The twins are growing quite nicely in donna's belly. We've already had two ultrasounds and things are going real well. Its been rough on Donna both mentally and physically but as always shes coping very well. Christmas and New Years went off without a hitch and here we are in 2003. Another year and so many things to do. We'll just have to attack them one at a time so's not to get overwhelmed. The next step in my transitioning will begin tomorrow. I am starting with a psyciatrist in Boston who specializes in Transgenderism. I am looking forward to speaking with someone that has experience with other transsexuals. Donna and I have been working towards a life of happiness where I can eventualy go fulltime as a woman. We hope that this doctor can help us with the many things that must be done to make this possible.
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