Chichen Itza
Having chilled out in Merida the next day we headed for Cancun via Chichen Itza. For the first time we had a guide talking us round which was very interesting but left us with little time to see everything.  El Castillo was the steepest ruin that we have climbed to date and J was also able to climb inside, and go up to the burial chamber where there was a jaguar statue with jade eyes.  Not that interesting and very hot inside!  Next to the ball court was Plataforma de los Craneos and Plataforma de Venus.

Having looked around about 2/3rds of the site we had to return to catch the bus that was continuing onto Cancun. . . party time!!
El Castillo The jaguar inside El Castillo
Aerial view of the Ball Court
The Ball Court
V by the sacred cenote Templo de Chac - Mool by Mil Columnas
J by the columns
Next Photos. . . Cancun and Cenotes
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