Our next stop was the lovely city of Oaxaca where we found a good, clean hostal to stay for a few days so that we could look around the city itself and the surrounding area.  The best way to see various places in the central valley was by a tour so we jumped on a bus and visited El Tule to see a tree which is apparently the biggest single biomass in the world; a local weaving village called Teotitlan Del Valle; and Hierve El Agua which was a place with mineral springs and cliff tops encrusted with petrified minerals which looked like great frozen waterfalls.  On the way back to Oaxaca we stopped at a small archeological site called Mitla, and a mezcal factory for food and mezcal tasting!
J in front of Iglesia de Santo Domingo, Oaxaca The world's widest tree in El Tule
J by one of the looms
Locals spinning wool at Teotitlan Del Valle
J at Hierve El Agua
V at Hierve El Agua
Local boy by his house at Hierve El Agua
The natural pools at Hierve El Agua
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