17 Days until GOF | Webmisstress: Kate Co-Webs: Riley, Ashlee, Colbee, Ronnie, Kianna, Carrie Host: Geocities Free Domain: Kickme.to URL Redirection Email: fantabulousemma@yahoo.com Started: July 31st, 2005 |
We wish everyone a very HAPPY HALLOWEEN! |
a p p l y f o r a f f i l i a t i o n ? s i t e n e w s New affiliate (B-WITCHED).. New Better Forums.. Riley-- On Dazzling Emma Staff!.. Newsletter comming soon.. Tag Board... FAN-TABULOUS EXCLUSIVES: 001. Harry Potter Extravaganza! Visit HotTopic in November for all the GOF&HP Merchandise you could ever dream of! 002. Click here for every article with the keywords Emma Watson, Hermione Granger, Daniel Radcliffe, Harry Potter, and Goblet of Fire 003. Dan staying for OOTP, but not sure about 6 or 7 reports Mirror.co.uk- The article also features Emma! 004. M Magazine has a poster of all 3 HP Stars, as well as a whole article on GOF and a few clippings here and there l a t e s t n e w s Yet another (what is this, like 1 million?) GOF TV Spot.. Director Mike Newell and Viktor Krum actor Stanislav Yanevski will both be attending the Bulgarian GOF Premiere on November 25th.. New Interview with Dan in Time Magazine (November issure- on stands Tuesday)..New Scans (1, 2, 3) of Hermione.. New Shot of Emma (beautiful!).. New Scans (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) of Emma.. New GOF TV Spot (Quiktime download).. New ISEB.Net interviews.. Spellbinding Secrets Saturday Video.. New Photos from M&S Appearance (more here).. Emma interviewed on the radio station Radio One.. New Empire 9 Page Spread of GOF- Includes Poster!.. 13 New GOF Clips - SPOILER ALERT! CLIPS WILL "RUIN THE HEART OF THE FILM!".. New Clip of 3rd Task.. New Hermione Screen Cap, along with new interview clip.. GOF Exclusive Clips will air on The Ellen Degeneres Show on 10/31.. New Dark Mark Mini Site.. Quidditch World Cup download.. Another GOF Clip available for download.. Dan staying for OOTP, but possibly not others reports Mirror.co.uk News.. Rai Interview Screencaps (1 , 2).. Rai Interview Footage (24 mins in is Potter footage).. |
b i g d a t e s October 22nd- GOF London Press Conference October 25th- GOF London Photocall October 26th- Dan/Emma Interview with ETalk Daily October 27- John Cleese's 66th Birthday October 29th- Spell Binding Secrets Sat. on WB October 29th- MoM (UK) 9:25am Trio Interview October 31st- "Ellen" to air GOF Footage November 4-6th- USA TODAY Weekend issues posters November 4th- Dan on BBC One at 10:35pm (UK) November 6th- GOF World Premiere (London) November 8th- French GOF Premiere (Paris) November 10th- Dan on Regis and Kelly November 11th- Dan on TRL New York November 11th- Taped interviews of cast on The Today Show November 12th- GOF Domestic Premiere (New York) November 15th- GOF Video Game Release Date November 18th- GOF Realease Date (USA and UK) November 25th- Bulgarian GOF Premiere |
w h a t w e d o Here at Fan-Tabulous Emma, we strive to give you the latest news on what's happening in Emma Watson's Magical world, as well as Hermione Granger's and any other general news on her co-stars or Harry Potter related stuff. Please realize that we are NOT Emma and do NOT have any of her personal contact information (email address, phone number, etc.) If you want to contact her, go HERE. Thanks! |
EMPIRE MAGAZINE- 9 GOF PAGES! That's right- Empire Magazine's December issue will feature an HP Cover (Chronicles of Narnia on the Back Cover, as it's a couble issue) and 9 Pages with new GOF interviews, and a free GOF Poster (Trio and Champions) 13 NEW GOF CLIPS According to VTM and HPANA, they're big spoilers, so click the download link, but at your own risk! NEW GOF CLIP FROM 3RD TASK Download here from Yahoo! Movies. NEW DARK MARK MINI SITE TLC got a sneek peak at the new Dark Mark mini site, so head over there to see what they've got from it. As it's an exculsive, we can't add the stuff to our own server. NEW SCREENCAP/FOOTAGE OF EMMA See "l a t e s t n e w s" for the download links, as well as some new footage downloads. ELLEN SHOW TO AIR GOF FOOTAGE See showtimes for some more info. The date will be Halloween (10/31) so if you can catch it, don't forget to send it in to us! NEW GOF POSTERS Some new GOF Posters will appear in USA Weekend Magazine on Nov. 4.6 The posters are of Harry, Ron, and Hermione. However, only one poster will be distributed in your area. Go here for more information. NEW GOF CLIP FOR DOWNLOAD If you would like to see it, then click here. I've decided that I don't want anymore of the movie spoiled, and so I don't know what clip it is. Apparently, the rest of our staff is on the same opinion as I, and so no one here knows what the clip is. If you know, please email us. NEW PRESS CONFERENCE VIDEO Click here for the Windows Media Player download, here for Quicktime, and here for Real Player. EMMA ON GL COVER Emma will be fearued on the cover of yet ANOTHER magazine! The magazine Girls Life will be sold in the 2nd Week of November, which of course includes a beautiful shot of Emma on the cover. FOR MORE, CHECK ABOVE UNDER BIG DATES AND LATEST NEWS, AS WELL AS POSSIBLY SITE NEWS! |
s t a f f u s e r n a m e s ( f o r u m s ) fantabulous .. administration username the_staff .. moderator username The rest of us: Riley, Kianna, Kate_The_Webmiss, Carrie, Ronnie, Colbee, Ashlee |
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