June 1, 2005
It is already summer! Can you believe that shit? Well things seem to be going good & yes I am still working. The summer will be chaotic bc of work but I think I will finally be able to save up money now! WOO exciting huh? Well I have been very bad at not keeping up with this at all & I am terribly sorry. Catch me at Six Flags or give me a call to hang out! I am currently in a relationship with someone & things seem to be working all well too. I think I just need to learn to be nicer! HA! Take it easy kids and enjoy urselves. GO SPURS GO!
"Dear God, as I iron these clothes for my family please make me aware of what not a chore is but a blessing...Give me the patience please to teach my own daughter this ancient art that every woman should know. Thank you for this sturdy ironing board. Thank you for this spray starch which has cut down my dampering time & makes everything so sweetly crisp. Thank you for making ironing smooth & for all the hours of my life that I have been able to do this job, however I have dreaded or put it off. And dear Lord, give me a spiritual strength to match this strength I bring to smoothing out these clothes. As you have equipped my hands to guide this iron, please equip me with wisedom to guide my children & smooth out their wrinkles in their lives as well."
Now a message from Ms. Pinchbeck:
Source: Holmes, Majorie. I've Got to Talk to Somebody, God: A Woman's Conversations with God. 1969


Above: Kim singing "Hot Stuff"
Below: Adam Bennett backstage taking a moment to gather his energy
Monster Mash Bash Page
It's taking me awhile kids, but itll be up! I promise!!