(Below) Lori, Stephanie, and Lindsey playing miniture golf in spring 2003. |
(Right) Me, Stephanie, and Lori hanging out with the armored man at miniture golf. If you look closely, you'll see the yellow golfball stuck between Mr. Armored Man's legs. Stephanie has a wonderful sense of humor, don't you think? |
(Right) Me, Anthony, Lindsey, and Chris. Anthony and Chris are students Lindsey and I worked with. These two students helped Lindsey and me with a project we were doing at Chapman, so we had to have a picture taken with our helpers (we both got an A on our projects)!!! |
(Left) Me, Liz Turrell, and Lindsey. Liz was a teacher at the school where Lindsey and I worked as instructional aides for the 2002-2003 school year. Liz taught math and was an exceptional teacher. Lindsey and I respect her very much. |