(Below) Lori, Stephanie, and Lindsey playing miniture golf in spring 2003.
(Right) Me, Stephanie, and Lori hanging out with the armored man at miniture golf.  If you look closely, you'll see the yellow golfball stuck between Mr. Armored Man's legs.  Stephanie has a wonderful sense of humor, don't you think?
(Right) Me, Anthony, Lindsey, and Chris.  Anthony and Chris are students Lindsey and I worked with.  These two students helped Lindsey and me with a project we were doing at Chapman, so we had to have a picture taken with our helpers (we both got an A on our projects)!!!
(Left) Me, Liz Turrell, and Lindsey.  Liz was a teacher at the school where Lindsey and I worked as instructional aides for the 2002-2003 school year.  Liz taught math and was an exceptional teacher.  Lindsey and I respect her very much.