My husband, Shawn!!!
   His name is Shawn Brooks.  I've known him for since 1998 and he is the best friend a person could ever have.  He is the counselor and protector of all of his family and friends.  He's the one that helps us overcome our emotional baggage and enjoy life.  But he's also the worrier of the group.  For those of you who thought that was me,wait until you meet Shawn.
         Shawn's compassion is probably the first thing that drew me to him.  I met him at a very difficult time in my life and we became instant friends.  Not only did he listen to me babble about my problems, he actually seemed to want to help.  From him I have learned honesty.  Honesty was never one of my biggest virtues before...but thanks to my sweetheart, it is slowly becoming one.  He has helped me grow as an individual, even though we became a couple.  My relationship with God has gotten even better than it ever was, mostly thanks to Shawn.  He's the kind of guy that worries about your stess level, even though his is higher.  He's full of compassion, love, integrity, sympathy, empathy, honesty, morality, kindness, etc.  He's the best thing that has ever happened to me and I love him dearly.
Shawn's senior picture.  He graduated from Lincoln County High School in 1998.
This was taken right after our wedding at Maranatha Baptist Church on May 20, 2000.  Shawn was removing my garter for the picture.
He's adorable!!!