I'm really not sure how to describe Skylla. She is a German Shephard / Lab mix. She is absolutely beautiful. Her mother was a full blooded white German Shephard. So Skylla has a coat that is amazing. It is gold, white, and yellow. If you go by her looks alone, you can definitely tell she's a German Shephard. But when you see her play, that's when you see the Lab in her. She loves to retrieve things, especially tennis balls. She has an endless source of energy and appears to be pretty smart. My favorite activity to do with her is hold a tennis ball or frizbee really high up in the air and watch her jump up to get it. This dog is like Air Jordan. She's amazing. She was born in April of 2000. We got her when she was about 8 weeks old, and it is absolutely amazing how much she has grown. |
She's the most adorable dog you can ever imagine!!! Look at those big ears! Though her body is all German Shephard, her heart and enthusiasm are ALL Lab!!! |
(Right) Skylla jumping off a slide after sliding half-way down it. She loves to play, as you can see!!! (Bottom) Look at Skylla kissing Shawn...she was in a loving mood that day. Awwww...she's so cute! |