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Hi. My name is Duncan. I live on the moon. I enjoy writing C code and programming on my TI-89 in the TI-Basic language, which I abhor but use because it is all that I can do at school or on the bus.
I am primarily known as slimey _limey on ticalc.org, which is also my Mozilla start page. I highly recommend Mozilla, becase it blocks all pop-up advertising. I have had it for at least six mothths now, and have not had a single unrequested pop-up window (i.e. pop-up ad).
September 25, 2003
Erik Cork is evil. He came to my school and wasted about $8000 of our precious budget, along with 3 hours of my time. It was the worst assembly I have ever been to. I was not allowed to abstain from going. Had I done so, instead going to my regular classes, I would have been marked absent anyway. |
June 24, 2003
I hate this. I only spend a week of not checking my email, and I have 153 waiting for me. Most of these people want me to watch their amateur porn videos, give them money so that I can have a larger organ, or buy their organic HGH. They can just go pound sand. I got into trouble at school. Well, not really. I typed this at a DOS prompt:
and it made a dialog box appear on the screen of everyone who was logged in across the entire district. Apparently that stopped the entire network for several minutes. (Honestly, it was unintentional!) They thought that they had "locked down" the school computers, but aparently not. I was able to gain access to a DOS prompt by making a one-line file in Notepad. It's contents? |
June 6, 2003
Wooo! an entire month since the last update! Well, that's not much of anything to brag about.... However, I have made a page of Latin verb endings, which will be later expanded to include passive voice and other stuff. I have also added several links. See if you can find which ones I added! |
May 6, 2003
Someday I'll get my own webserver running. I've already installed Apache on my home computer, now I have to migrate the pages to it and set up my router to allow port 80 through. (I have DSL.) I think I'll also get some CGI running eventually. |
April 22, 2003
Happy Earth Day I was looking for information on the FAT12 filesystem today, and I found it! (here) |
April 21, 2003
Nothing happened today. I watched a bad movie Saturday. It is called Le Mans and was made in 1971. |
April 16, 2003
I'm sorry, I haven't had time to update the site recently. My family is in the middle of moving to a new house across town, and we are having an open house. The quarter ended a week before Friday of last week, and a piano fell on my head. I have a sore throat, and my Internet connection is down due to a rabid codfish. I have a pimple on the end of my fingers that I use to type the letters "qwertyuiop", and my monitor's blue electron gun burned out (making everything yellow-green). My e-mail's down due to a falling opossum, and I ran out of tissues for my runny nose. We have a crummy sub in Biology, and I can't think of any other excuses. You're getting bored, and I need to redo the site sometime soon. Thank you for your patience. I'll probably get back to working seriously on the site (and my projects, of which I have three waiting in line) sometime after mid-June. |
April 3, 2003
In case you wondered where I got my name, it's from a great novella called True Names, by Vernor Vinge. If you want a transcription of it, I've copied one from Libarynth. |
March 27, 2003
I have found a great page. Geology: Plate Tectonics. This page has animations of the movements of the various crustal plates throughout history, going all the way back to 750 million years ago. Quite interesting. FYI: the counter in the corner is the number of million years before the present time. Another animations page (with more animations) is available here, but the videos are smaller and grainy. A third page, with many interactive animations, is available from http://www.scotese.com/newpage13.htm. An explanation of this can also be had. A very cool site of JavaScript animations is available at Proce55ing.net |
March 20, 2003
DISK STROKING DOESN'T WORK!!! It won't boot!!! Since I am already tired of the war, I hereby declare this website to be a Saddam-Free Zone. This news item will be the last time you will see the name "Saddam Hussein" on this website. Instead, I will use the H4x0r version "$ @ d d 4 |\/|". Thank you for your cooperation. |
March 18, 2003
It seems that when I enable disk stroking and then recompile the kernel, i twon't boot at all if it is included. I haven't tried it as a module that loads after boot and then unloads right before shutdown, so I'll try that. On aonther note, I would like to someday try to finish my TI-83+ emulator for the TI-89. Please note that this is someday, so may not happen for a few months (June 24th is my earliest start date, being several days after school gets out). |
February 28, 2003
I just finished customizing the search box at the top of the page, as you may have astutely observed by now. I also recompiled my kernel to allow "disk stroking", which is a direct-access method allowing disks larger than 32 gigabytes (mine is 80) to be recognized on early AWARD BIOSes (mine is from 1997). |
February 27, 2003
I just finished installing Linux on my home machine... fun, but somewhat tedious. It helps a lot to have an unpartitioned second hard drive. |
February 14, 2003
The Fine Arts page is under constrction/broken right now. It is still accessible, but I am trying to reformat the header. |
February 6, 2003
I just found an on-calculator C compiler for Remus (the TI-89). You can download it here. It is written by Clem Vasseur. Despite being a beta, it is very good. The documentation is in the ZIPlock bag, but not much is necessary anyway. |
January 29, 2003
Very sorry - I added a search box and it only worked in Mozilla due to a coding error. It was at the top of the page, so I moved it to the bottom. The site shold work now. I just figured out that I had messed it up by adding a comment around it and forgot to terminate the comment. In other news, I created a logo (see top of this page) and we learned the perfect tense in Latin. The perfect tense is an action that is in the past and has been completed, as opposed to the imperfect tense, which is an incomplete action in the past. |
January 20, 2003
I have decided that the best day for Communism day is March 3rd. My friend helped me by unlocking the mysteries of the universe through the mystic art of numerology, and found that 3/3/03 is the best day. I have embarked on a new project: a program to show information on all the processor vectors of the TI-89 calculator, including the current address that the vector that the address points to, as well as what kind of memory that is in and a brief explanation on what the vector is for. This project is about 85% done, and is usably fast in TI-Basic. There is still no TI-89 C programming or HP-49g programming going on at this time, although it will be resumed some time soon. |
January 20, 2003
This is the latest version of the now slightly less ugly web site. Please note that there are several broken links. However, I will try to rectify them (at least with placeholder pages) as soon as possible. I am sorry to calc.org because I partially stole their navbar concept. However, I wrote the HTML all without looking at any of their source. Sadly, all of my projects are now on hold. Especially halted are my programming projects, because I am now into electronics. The semester ends this Friday, so I have no time for anything. I am working on a concept for a relay-logic computer. I have a grand total of 15 relays, of three different types, and am assembling them in various configurations mentally at school. There is no TI-89 or HP-49g programming going on at this time, although it will be resumed during summer vacation at the latest. |
December 19, 2002
I saw The Two Towers yesterday (opening day). It was a great movie. I am currently making a schematic diagram of the TI-GraphLink (serial, black, new). I expect to be releasing it within the next 2 months, possibly less. If anyone has any idea what the overhead display protocol for the HP 49g is, please mail me (mrslimeylimey at hotmail dot com) |
December 16, 2002
I have decided to name my calculators. I am calling the TI-89 Remus, and the HP 49g Romulus. There is a little symbolism in this, but you'll have to figure it out for yourself. If anyone has any idea what the overhead display protocol for the HP 49g is, please mail me (mrslimeylimey at hotmail dot com) |
December 10, 2002
Sorry, I haven't updated this for a while. I connected my calc to an old 14.4kbps modem I found in a drawer of my room. Then I downloaded a terminal program, and I am planning to connect to the phone line and call a local BBS sometime soon. |
December 6, 2002
I created two msn groups: TI Graphing Calculators and HP graphing Calculators, you may want to go visit/join them. We had four lockdowns: November 22, 26, 27, and December 2. Yesterday, december 5, we had a walkout to protest the war in Iraq. I did not go, as it was in Latin (my favorite class). In fact, there was a pop quiz, worth 10 points, immediately after the people left. We basically had to copy a bit out of the book, and copy something from the board for 1 point of extra credit. The people who walked out could not make it up, nor anything else we did after they left. I thought that that was funny. |
November 25, 2002
Well, I just did a 'news purge'. I accidentally uploaded a version of the site from September, and didn't have a backup. So, I'll summarize: