A Tribute in Honor of:
All The Caring PawsTherapy Dogs and Handlers who Participated in WTC Support
Thanks to all our dedicated Caring Paws dogs and handlers who gave so much to help alleviate the suffering of families and lighten the stressful days of the volunteer workers at Pier 94.  Thanks also to the countless other therapy dog/handler teams who also gave their support. You guys are the greatest!  Thanks for making a difference in so many lives.
Our Caring Paws member teams:
Donna & Flash
Jan & Maggie
Nancy & Lacey
Harry & Charlie
Connie & Killian
Sue & Kassi
Amy & Newman
John & Taylor
Claudia & Ki-Lin
Gina & Honee
and my little Cinder

And our friends from Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs:
Susan and Norman who made their visits to Liberty State Park
Caring Paws Therapy Dogs