I believe in stoopid questions. that shows that your not scared to ask what everyone is afraid of. you might be the idiot for that moment, but in the EnD, everyone will like u better.
HoLa, that "brave" person up there, isn't me. u see i could be that person, but where would that leave many men?!?
Yes, i am a bitch! and no, i don't care. i might hurt u, don't worry that's why they have bactine, and those neat little sticky cloth things w/ Scoobie-Doo on them. (hence for u peeps that r that "brave" person spoken of in the begginging then u know what i'm talking about.)
Now, as for me....i was born on Jan. 31st. i have been singing since i could burp. i'm a artsy fartsy sweet bitch who can charm the wits out of u! my parents left me about 2 years ago in fla for ViVa Las Vegas, but i need to expand my traveling miles more north eastern so i'm moving around from Boston to Philly to where ever my little Honda Civic EX takes me! i am not a shy gal but i may seem to ignore u fore i have a tendency to have a wondering eye. i enjoy sleeping whenever possible which is hardly ever, thank u mother i inherited ur non-sleeping ability known as "insomnia". if u wanna know more 'abooot me than chat at me, thank u, plz drive through....
Other Little Things Abooot Me!
*fav color- Hunter Green
*fav actor- Tim Curry
*fav #- 22
*fav food- ANYTHING oriental, love love love Sushi
*fav saying- "Thank u, plz drive through"
*things i love- frogs, piglet, PEZ dispencers, buying panties, Guiness,
tatts, letters in the mail, laughing, being kept busy at all times!
*things i hate- most peeps, stoopid aRss drivers, dust, gum on the bottom of my shoe, wisdom teeth, child-proof lighters, the green paper circuit.....the list goes on and on nothing outlasts me!