Through the mists of time...
You are suddenly dunked into the whirling vortex of time...
A voice calls to you from the eternal void...
* Who are you stranger, intruding upon my solitude...I came here as a reprieve from the toils of earth. The Magic has very nearly vanished, leaving it unsafe for my kind...I came to this refuge as an egg, adopted by an understanding being. Yet, there are others of my kind, still longing for companionship. If you have any compassion, or wish to restore the lost Magics, take the link below, and find out that dragons are real...*
The voice fades,leaving an unearthly tingle in the air...
Name: Opalisct
Gender: Female
Breed: Water Opal Dragon
Parents: Grumpy & Granny
Food: Poultry
Temperment: Mysterious & All Knowing

I am Skylara, here to guide Opalisct on her journey through life. If you would lik an angel like me for your page , click me to link to Dragonrose Adoptions!
Hi! I'm Crystal, an Ibo! Kryos asked me if I would like to play with Opalisct! If you have room in your heart for an adorble pal like me, click me to visit Ibora!!!