A Pathetic Attempt at Romance

by Misty



Chapter 4

Kurama smiled at his stepbrother, and stepped inside their house.

“So, that wasn’t so bad, was it?” the red-haired youko said cheerfully, looking at the young man behind him. “You didn’t even notice that I was there.”

Shuuichi Hatanaka managed a half-smile. “I really do appreciate it, ‘niisan…but I just wish that father trusted me…”

“He does,” Kurama said solemnly.

“Then why did he ask to go with me and Akiko on our date? Not that I resent it—” Shuuichi added hastily, “—but it’s not as if Akiko and I were going to do anything scandalous. It was just a date. Besides, I’m old enough.”

“Well, it is your first date,” Kurama replied, “And your father is very old-fashioned. I think that he just wants all the best for you.”

Shuuichi snorted in irritation. “Old-fashioned, yeah right,” Shuuichi said wryly. “After mother died, he wanted to date every girl he laid his eyes on. It was utter torture for me. Maybe he’s afraid that I’m going to turn out like him…”

Kurama grinned at that. “But hey, you do have to admit that he hit the jackpot when he started courting my mother…”

“Yes, that’s right,” Shuuichi said, smiling softly. “Shiori-san became the mother I’ve always wanted to have.”

“I can say the same for your father,” Kurama said, nodding.

“He became your mother?” Shuuichi said, raising an eyebrow.

Kurama laughed at this, with Shuuichi joining him soon afterwards.

Shiori’s voice came floating down the stairs. “Shuuichi? Are you there?” she called out.

“Yes, mother?” the two young men said in unison.

Shiori Hatanaka soon came down the stairs, smiling radiantly at them. “No, not you, dear,” she said fondly to the younger Shuuichi. She looked at Kurama, and he noticed that she looked a bit worried.

“One of your friends came today,” she said, a tone of urgency in her voice. “He was looking for you, and he said it was an emergency.”

Kurama’s senses alerted all at once. “Who was it?”

“I didn’t quite catch his name,” Shiori said quizzically. “It was a very unusual one. But I do remember how he looks like…he had brown hair, hazel eyes, and the strangest mark on his forehead…”

“Koenma,” Kurama said, realization dawning on him. “Did he leave me any message?”

“Oh, yes,” Shiori said, nodding. “He wants you to go to the…what was that? Oh, he wants you to the ‘Rei Kai’, whatever that is.”

“I see,” Kurama said, furrowing his eyebrows. He started towards the door, and waved hurriedly at his mother.

“I’ll be back soon, mother,” he said, managing a smile. “See you later.”

“See you, Shuuichi,” Shiori called out affectionately, and Kurama shut the door.

“That was weird,” Shuuichi muttered, shrugging.

“That’s my boy,” Shiori said, smiling good-naturedly. “So, Shuuichi, how was your date?”



“Now that’s poetry,” George said, staring at the piece of paper he held in awe.

“It’s utterly perfect,” Hinageshi gushed.

Yusuke shrugged. “I hate poetry.”

“Do you really think it’s all right?” Koenma said, looking hopefully at them.

“Of course, Koenma-sama!”


“How am I supposed to know?”

“You’re not helping,” Koenma told Yusuke dryly.

“I flunked poetry in school,” Yusuke said, with another indifferent shrug.

“Well I think it’s perfect,” Hinageshi insisted. “Besides, I helped in making it, and so did George.” She grabbed the paper from Koenma’s hands. “I’m going to write this on scented paper, and in the meantime, I think you should go get some roses now.”

“Right, roses,” Koenma said wearily. He took out his wallet and sighed. “I think I’m going to use up all my life’s savings on this one little date.”

“It’s not just one little date!” Hinageshi protested indignantly. “Your whole love life is at stake here, Koenma-sama!”

“I never even thought that I even had a love life,” Koenma muttered.

He started to walk out the door, when it was opened from the outside.



“I’m sorry I was late,” Kurama said, his emerald green eyes reflecting his relief. “Any trouble from the Ma Kai again? What’s going on?”

Koenma blinked. “Nothing’s wrong, Kurama.”

“….oh?” Kurama said slowly. “I thought there was trouble…my mother said that there was an emergency…”

Koenma smacked his forehead, and grinned sheepishly at Kurama. “I just…overreacted at that time. I’m sorry to have caused you any trouble…”

“That’s all right,” Kurama said, smiling good-naturedly. “So I probably better go.”

“No, wait, Kurama-san!” Hinageshi said, shaking her hand. “We can use your help!” She turned to Koenma, grinning. “All our problems are solved now, Koenma-sama.”

“I guess I would like to help, whatever that is,” Kurama offered. “What was your problem, anyway?”

“Botan problems,” Yusuke snickered.

“Botan?” Kurama said, raising an eyebrow.

Koenma replied to this by blushing.

“I see,” Kurama chuckled.

“Well, we gotta hurry,” Hinageshi said urgently. “Botan-chan might arrive soon, you know, and we have to be ready! Hurry up, people!”

And so the preparations for the little romantic date continued, and soon, night fell.


Another hard day’s work, Botan thought wearily, wondering why she ever volunteered to take that assignment for Ayame. It was really very hard, for the sould she had to guide was a very bratty kid, whom she was almost tempted to throw into Hell. She shook her head, berating herself mentally. No, no, Botan-chan, she thought angrily. You must never pre-judge a soul like that.

She stepped towards the door, and pressed the button. “It’s me, Botan.”

“Come on in,” came an indistinct voice from the speaker, and the large door opened.

She walked in, and was promptly met by an large green oni at the door. She shook her head, saying tiredly, “Not today, Fred-san. I don’t think I can work overtime today.”

“No, Botan-san,” the oni said timidly. “This…this is for you.” He handed her a pretty, heart-shaped card, and Botan stared wide-eyed at it.

“Er…um…thank you, Fred-san,” Botan said, sweatdropping.

“Oh, no, Botan-san!” Fred said, smiling. “It’s not from me. It’s from Koenma-sam—oh stupid, stupid Fred!!!”

The oni suddenly started banging his head on the wall, much to Botan’s bewilderment.

“Stupid, stupid!” the oni continued, screaming. “I must never tell—I was ordered not to! Fred, you are an idiot!”

“Eh, stop it, Fred-san!!!” Botan yelled, utterly confused. She stopped the poor oni from banging his head further.

“I’m so sorry, Botan-san!” Fred shrieked, and ran, sobbing all the way.

Botan scratched her head, still baffled. Fred-san was always very odd…she thought, staring after the oni. She then opened the envelope, her heart beating fast.

Eyes of purple hue  
Truly wonderful to behold
Eyes than can only belong to you,
For me as precious as gold…

Botan blinked. Koenma-sama?!

Such lovely blue tresses
Sparkles in the radiant moonlight,
Hair I’d love to hold and caress.
Especially on this lovely night..

Botan found herself blushing even redder.

 Skin as soft as a baby’s butt

Botan suppressed a loud chortle, and read on.

A smile as sweet as sugar so fine (Botan suppressed another laugh),  
Lips I would love to kiss, but…
Could you ever be mine?

Botan froze.

For three long centuries we’ve been together,  
But all I ever was was horrible to you.

Botan felt sudden tears rise up in her eyes. Oh Koenma-sama…

But the next line suddenly ruined the moment.

And I swear upon my pacifier—

Botan couldn’t help it. This time, she laughed, long and loud.

 I will treat you right, that I will do.

Botan was now rolling all over the floor in her giggles.

 Cupid has struck me with his arrow.
‘Tis true, I’m hopelessly in love with you…
And even if you don’t love me back, though…
It will not matter, for I will still love you.
 P.S. I didn’t forget, Botan-chan. Happy Valentine’s day.

 Botan wasn’t laughing now. She gently closed the card, and a small smile appeared on her lips.

You’re wrong, Koenma-sama…she thought as she walked towards Koenma’s office. I do like you…


“Okay, one more time, Fred,” Koenma said irritatedly to the green oni on the screen. The whole room was now completely dark, except for the light coming from the screen. “What happened?”

The said oni explained hurriedly, struggling to talk through his sobs. “ohkoenmasamaitoldbotansaandsheknowsthatyougavethe—”

“I still don’t understand you, Fred!!!” Koenma yelled in exasperation.

“I think he said something about Botan,” Kurama observed calmly.

“Botan?” Koenma said, and he felt almost ready to throttle the screen. “What?! What about Botan?! Where is she?!”

“I’m here, Koenma-sama!” a cheerful, shrill voice said from the end of the room.

“Oh, shut up, Yusuke!” Koenma said crabbily.

“What? I’m right here!” Yusuke said indignantly from beside him.

“What? Then who spoke?”

“Wasn’t me.”

“Oh Kami-sama…” Everyone turned towards the door, and there, a smiling Botan was at the door.

“Hi everyone,” she said. “Why is it so dark here?”

Utter pandemonium soon ensued.


Botan blinked in the darkness. Someone, through all the hubbub caused by her arrival, had turned the TV screen off, and the whole room was now in utter darkness. Their was a strange scent in the air, and she liked it, although she wanted to know what it was.

“Koenma-sama?” she whispered tentatively. “Where are you guys?”

“Right here, Botan.” came a husky voice from somewhere in front of her.

Suddenly, the lights went on, and Botan had the biggest shock of her life.


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