A Pathetic Attempt at Romance

by Misty


Chapter 5

The whole room was filled with roses. Red, white, pink, peach, blue…the whole floor was covered with rose petals of every color. There was a small table at the end of the room, draped in a beautiful white cloth, and a candle in the middle.

But the biggest surprise was Koenma. He was in his teenage form, and he was wearing a tuxedo she’d never seen him in before. His pacifier was nowhere in sight.

And she saw what he held in his hands. She felt her heart skip a beat, and a blush crept up her cheeks. 

In his hands was a big bouquet of lovely, dark blue roses. Her favorite.

“Koenma-sama…what’s…” she could not continue, for her throat suddenly felt dry.

“Happy Valentine’s day, Botan-chan,” Koenma said huskily. He handed her the beautiful bouquet, and openly gawked at him.

Koenma only smiled, and pushed a chair back for her. He struggled to remember what Kurama told him to say. “Um…have a seat, my fair…er…señorita.”

From behind the large screen where they were hiding, Kurama and the others uttered a sigh of relief. Koenma had gotten it right.

“I…” Botan sat down, rather clumsily. She had a bewildered look on her face. “Koenma-sama…this…this is so sudden…I mean…I never thought…”

Koenma tried to stop his hands from shaking. “You…you look beautiful tonight, Botan,” he quavered, “Like…like an angel.”

“What is this all about, Koenma-sama?” Botan whispered uncertainly, staring wide-eyed at him.

“N-nothing,” Koenma said, trying to sound casual, but he failed entirely. He coughed nervously. “Ahem. Anyway…as I was saying…you look wonderful tonight, Botan. B-b-but, you always do, actually. Look beautiful, I mean.”

Botan looked more mystified than ever.

“I’ve…I’ve always loved you ever…ever since…” Koenma furrowed his eyebrows, thinking hard. He had forgotten what to say.

Kurama peeked out, and mouthed the next line.

“Oh, yeah that’s it,” Koenma said happily. “Ever since the first time I laid my eyes on you. But I never really noticed my feelings…but now I know, that I do love you.”

He took Botan’s hand, and her eyes widened even more (if that was even possible).

“And I offer you a song,” Koenma said, kneeling down on one knee.

“That’s your cue, Hinageshi!” Yusuke whispered sharply to the little girl. Hinageshi sprang into action, but she soon stopped, horrified.

“Oh no,” she sobbed, “In all the chaos we had a while ago, we weren’t able to discuss what song we were going to play!”

“That’s all right, Hinageshi,” Kurama said comfortingly. “We can use any song anyway.”

“Well, we’ve got to hurry!” George said hurriedly. “Koenma-sama’s already glaring at us! We’re in big trouble!!!”

“Agh, do I have to do all the work?!” Yusuke whispered heatedly. He grabbed one of the tapes Hinageshi was holding, and popped it inside the player.

Music immediately began to play. Koenma’s scowl disappeared, replaced by a brilliant smile. He opened his mouth to lip-sync to the music, and he felt a little of his confidence returning.

I’m not a girl,” Koenma lip-syncked perfectly, “Not yet a woman!!!

Botan fell off her seat.

“Turn it off! Turn it off!!!” Hinageshi said hurriedly, and the music was cut off abruptly.

“Oops, wrong tape,” Yusuke said sheepishly.

Botan was laughing so hard, Koenma had a hard time helping her up her seat. Koenma’s face was now beet red, and he gave one of his most vicious glares at Yusuke and company.

“L-let me try again,” Koenma said through gritted teeth. Botan suppressed her giggles, and she looked expectantly at Koenma.

“Let the expert handle this,” Hinageshi said crossly, grabbing a tape from her lap. She popped this in the tape.

Koenma opened his mouth, and—

"So many men! So little time!"

This produced another round of giggles from Botan.

Koenma now looked ready to murder someone.

“Let the expert handle it, huh, Hinageshi?” Yusuke said triumphantly.

Hinageshi scowled. “You made a mistake too, you know!”

“Maybe I can do this,” George said, stepping forward to stop the two from fighting. He popped another tape into the player.

 "The moonlight plays upon your skin..."

“It looks pretty good,” Kurama said, nodding approvingly. “Now George…about the food…”

Koenma was smiling now. Looks like they had the right song this time…

"A kiss that lingers takes me in
I fall asleep inside of you…"

The expression on Botan’s face was priceless. Koenma looked at her wonderingly, and he thought triumphantly, She’s blushing because of how romantic I’m being! Good, very good! He took his hand in hers lovingly, and began to put a bit more expression in his ‘singing’.

"There are no words
There's only truth
Breathe in Breathe out
There is no sound
We move together up and down
We levitate our bodies soar...."

 “Nice song,” Yusuke said, snickering.

“It’s really nice,” Hinageshi said happily. “I don’t get what it means, though…”

Koenma could have been saved from further embarrassment if Kurama and George were listening to the song. But as it happened, the two were deep in discussion, and the Reikai prince’s doom was sealed.

"Our feet don't even touch the floor
And nobody knows you like I do
The world doesn't understand
But I grow stronger in your hands..."

 “Koenma-sama!!!” Botan yelled, now turning a fiery shade of red. “Stop it!!!”

"Turn the lights down low
Take it off—"

“Eee! Hentaiiiiiii!!!!” Botan cried then…


Koenma fell to the floor, unconscious, and was soon covered by a pile of rose petals.

“Oh my God!” Botan yelled in dismay. She leaned over Koenma. “Are you all right, Koenma-sama! I’m so sorry, I was just so shocked…”

“Oh, mommy!” Koenma said dizzily. “I see stars!!!” He suddenly snapped back to normal, and at a bolt of inspiration, he looked straight into Botan’s eyes. “And I see them in your eyes, my love.”

“I don’t get it,” Yusuke muttered to Hinageshi.

“But it sure sounded romantic…” Hinageshi said, beaming.

Botan’s reaction seemed to prove Hinageshi’s statement. “Oh Koenma-sama!!!!” she sobbed, and throwing her arms around Koenma. “I don’t understand what this all about, but actually I like it, and—”

“Which reminds me,” Koenma interrupted awkwardly, reluctantly pulling himself out of Botan’s embrace, “I have something for you.”

“I guess we can go get the food now,” Kurama said, nodding at George. “While Koenma keeps Botan distracted.”

“You got it,” George said, and crept out, following the red-haired youko.

“I’m not really sure if you’ll like it,” Koenma kept talking, having spotted Kurama and George creep out from behind the screen. “But you know what they say…it’s the thought that counts.”

“Of course,” Botan said, still looking a bit bewildered.

“And I only want the best for you,” Koenma continued, reaching from under the table to get his gift. “So, I—”

A loud crash and a pained oof! cut off his words. George had tripped on a post at the corner of the room, sending him crashing down onto the floor. To everyone’s horror, Botan had heard, and she turned to look at the fallen oni—

“I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!” Koenma suddenly yelled, and he before he even knew what he was doing, he had pulled Botan in for a passionate kiss.

Botan’s eyes were now as huge as saucers, and so was everyone else’s. Yusuke hastily covered Hinageshi’s eyes.

“Don’t look, Hinageshi!” he hissed. “This is not fit for children!”

“They all grow up so fast!” George said, sobbing, before Kurama pulled him outside.

What the heck am I doing?! Koenma thought, and he quickly broke the kiss. Before Botan could react, he presented his gift with a flourish.

“This for you, my fair cherry,” (“It’s cherie!” Hinageshi hissed,), and he pushed his gift into Botan’s hands.

“Oh…er…thank you, Koenma-sama,” Botan said, blinking rapidly. She still hadn’t recovered from the kiss, and she had a rather dazed look on her face.

“Come on, open it,” Koenma said, smiling nervously.

She gulped, and anxiously opened the beautifully wrapped parcel. It contained the CD Koenma had bought earlier, and Botan looked up at him, her eyes welling up with tears.

“Oh Koenma-sama,” she said tearfully, “You may have forgotten your promise, but you gave me the next best thing…”

“Yes, I did—no,” Koenma said after a beat, then stared at her. “I didn’t forget, Botan-chan. You mean…this isn’t enough for you?”


“You mean…I wasn’t romantic enough?” Koenma said dejectedly. “I know. I never really was good at anything…”


“I’m just a hard-hearted, callous prince who never had a heart,” he continued miserably. “I’m so sorry to have disappointed you. And to think you looked forward to it…”

“I did…but I think you got it all wrong…”

“I did, didn’t I?” Koenma replied, sitting down on a chair and burying his face in his hands. “I’m so sorry, Botan-chan. Even after all the help I got, I still managed to ruin it.”

“Koenma-sama, stop.”

“I’m such a low-life, a jerk, a creep—”

“Koenma-sama, stop!”

“—and I don’t deserve to have you as a friend, and—”


Koenma’s head jerked back, and he looked up at Botan. “What?!”

“I think you somehow misinterpreted everything,” Botan said gravely. “And you did forget.”

“I did not! I tried everything to—”

“Please listen to me first, Koenma-sama,” Botan cut in. “That thing you promised me…you promised to take me to the Valentine’s Day concert of the Pretty Boys.”

That’s what I promised you?!” Koenma said, falling to the floor, at the same time Kurama and George stepped in.

“Yes, Koenma-sama,” Botan said, a large sweatdrop forming on her head.

“What?! Why did I promise you that?!” Koenma yelled.

“It was two weeks ago…” Botan explained, “you already got fed up about me going on and on about the Pretty Boys, so you promised me that you will take me to their concert today, so I would stop. I was really looking forward to it, but—”

And Koenma finally remembered. He could almost hear Botan’s voice in his head, on that day he gave his promise—

“Guess what, Koenma-sama!” Botan said, throwing the door open and marching over to his desk. “I heard the new Pretty Boys song on the radio today!”

“Now isn’t that marvelous,” Koenma muttered under his breath.

“It’s entitled, My Best Friend, My Love,” Botan continued dreamily. “I just love their songs, Koenma-sama. They are such a cool band! My favorite!”

Koenma groaned. Oh no, he thought in dismay, Not again…

“And you know what,, Koenma-sama!” Botan chattered on, “They write their own songs, too!”

“Uh-huh, yeah,” Koenma said through gritted teeth, furiously stamping a document.

“And they’re having a concert too, on the fourteenth of February!” Botan gushed, not noticing Koenma’s irritation. “I would just love to see them in person…to see them face to face, and to hear them sing on stage! They’re just so wonderful, so cool—”

“So utterly incredible, so marvelous, so splendid!” Koenma said mockingly, stamping another document. “I know, Botan! You’ve told me, like the last twenty million times?!”

“And they’re so brilliant too!” Botan continued. “And so good-looking! And their songs are so nice and touching and cool—”

“All right already, Botan!” Koenma finally snapped, throwing his papers to the floor in his frustration. “I don’t have time for this! I have work to do!”

“But you really have to hear them, Koenma-sama,” Botan protested. “I assure you you’ll love them, and I—”

“Look, Botan,” Koenma said on an impulse, “If you stop going on and on about this boy band of yours, I promise I’ll take you to their concert on the fourteenth of February. So could you please leave me in peace?!”

“You promise, Koenma-sama?” Botan said brightly.

“Yes, yes,” Koenma said impatiently. “Now go back to work.”

“Thank you, thank you, Koenma-sama!” Botan exclaimed.

“You’re welcome,” Koenma said gruffly. “And remember, not one word about that band, all right?”

“You got it!” Botan said cheerfully. “But don’t forget your promise either.”

“I won’t forget,” Koenma said with a smug smile. “That’s a promise.”


And he had forgotten.

“I’m really sorry, Botan,” Koenma said, burying his face in his hands again.

“So that was what you promised?!” Yusuke demanded, outraged. “And you dragged me out here to the Rei Kai all for nothing?!”

“So you won’t be needing this, then?” George said innocently, holding up a big platter of roast turkey.

YOU!” Koenma yelled. “This is all your fault!!!” He started throttling the poor oni.

“I’m so sorry, Koenma-sama!” George managed to yell. “I really thought—”

“It’s not really all for nothing, Koenma-sama,” Botan said softly.
To George’s relief, Koenma stopped throttling him, and the Rei Kai prince turned to stare at Botan. “What do you mean?”

“I did like all this, Koenma-sama,” Botan said shyly. “Even if it was a rather pathetic attempt at romance.”

“You did?” Koenma said, blushing. “Like it, I mean?”

“Of course!” Botan said, smiling timidly at him.

Yusuke groaned. “Aaargh. Mush.”

“I think it’s really sweet,” Hinageshi said dreamily.

Koenma and Botan stared shyly at each other for a few moments, inching ever so slowly towards each other. They were both blushing now.

And they went closer, and closer…maybe aiming for a kiss—

Then George had to go and spoil it all by suddenly shouting, “LET’S GET ON WITH THE DATE, THEN, KOENMA-SAMA!!!!!!!!!!”

The poor oni was throttled once again by the furious prince.

“It was the perfect moment!” Koenma yelled angrily. “It was perfect, and you just had to ruin it!”

“Calm down, Koenma-sama!” Botan shouted, pulling the poor George away from the raging prince.

“I think it’s time we leave you two alone now,” Kurama said, setting down the food tray he carried.

Botan and Koenma both blushed. “Thank you for all your help, really, guys,” Koenma said, rather awkwardly.

“No problem,” Yusuke said, grinning. “We know what a helpless little baby you are, anyway.”

Botan quickly restrained Koenma, and Yusuke grinned wider.

“Well, then, enjoy your date, you two,” Yusuke said, and he got the other tray from George (which, through all Koenma’s throttling had miraculously not fallen to the ground), and set it down on the table as well. “I guess I better go take Keiko out on a date, or she’ll never speak to me again. You, Kurama? What’re your plans for the day?”

Kurama shrugged. “There’s this contest being held in the university I have to go to.”

“Oh, good luck, then.”

“Oh no, I’m not exactly joining the contest.”

“So you’re the judge or something?”

“No. I’m the prize.”


“Yes. Whoever wins gets a date with me.”

Kurama said this with an absolutely straight face that all of them had a really difficult time trying to suppress their laughter.

“Well, George-san,” Hinageshi said brightly, desperately changing the subject, “You have to go already, remember?”

“What?” George said, bewildered. “I don’t have any plans for today…”

“Oh but you do,” Hinageshi said meaningfully. “You don’t want to keep Yuri-chan waiting, do you?”

Yuri-chan?!” George yelled. His once blue color turned into a bright shade of red. Hinageshi grabbed his hand, and dragged the oni out of the room.

Yusuke and Kurama exchanged glances, and they both shrugged as they went out the door.

“I always thought Valentine’s day was overrated,” Yusuke said. “But I guess love is in the air today. Everyone has a date…no, wait. I’m willing to bet Hiei’s moping around somewhere alone.”

“You’re going to lose if you take that bet,” Kurama said.

“Eh?! You mean he’s on a date too?!”


“Then who’s the girl?”

“He didn’t say. The only thing I could get out of him was a series of ‘hns’.”

“Hiei?! On a date?!,” Yusuke exclaimed. “The world is coming to an end!”

Kurama only grinned in reply.

Meanwhile, inside, Koenma and Botan had finally settled themselves down on their chairs, ready to enjoy their quaint little dinner.

“You know, Koenma-sama…” Botan said shyly, “I still can’t believe you fell in love with me.”

“It’s not my fault I fell in love, Botan-chan,” Koenma said earnestly, gazing into her eyes. “You were the one who tripped me.”

Botan stared at him for a few moments, then she laughed. “Honestly, Koenma-sama. The whole romantic guy act doesn’t suit you.”

Koenma looked mildly offended. “Well, since you want me to, I’ll go back to being the cranky, spoiled and bratty boss you know and love,” he retorted.

Love is right,” Botan replied. “I love you just the way you are.”

It was now Koenma’s turn to stare.

“I can be sappy, too, you know,” Botan said, grinning at him impishly. “Like you.”

Koenma winced. “Honestly, I never really can be romantic,” he said, shrugging. “It’s a bit unnatural for me, actually.”

Botan nodded. “I think I’d much rather prefer an un-romantic Koenma-sama, you know.”

“That’s nice to hear,” Koenma said, smiling.

“Oh, by the way, Koenma-sama,” Botan said, her eyes twinkling, “Since you forgot your promise and all, that means I can talk about the Pretty Boys now?”

Koenma’s eyes widened in horror. “NO!”

“I mean, they’re such a great band,” Botan gushed, completely ignoring Koenma, “And such wonderful songs—”

“Botan, stop!”

“—and they’re so amazingly good-looking—”

“Botan, I order you to stop!”

“And such nice—”


“All right, all right,” Botan said, grinning. She helped herself to a piece of the roast turkey, and her grin widened. “I’ll stop, Koenma-sama.”

“Thank God,” Koenma said, sighing. “Anyway, Happy Valentine’s day, Botan-chan.”

“You too, Koenma-sama. Oh, and you know what? The Pretty Boys are—”


“Hehe. Happy Valentine’s Day, Koenma-sama.”

The End.


Author's Notes:

THIS is why I needed Koenma to be able to lip-sync perfectly.......

I hope you recognized the songs...no? Anyway, "I'm not a Girl, not Yet a Woman" was sung by Britney Spears, "So Many Men" came from Dance Dance Revolution (forgot who sang it...^^;), and "Insatiable" was sung by Darren Hayes. And, no...I DO NOT own any of these songs. So don't sue.

By the way, I didn't do the "You were the one who tripped me" thing. That was made by my friend, Krissy-chan, and I just borrowed it. ^^; Thanks!


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