Wow! We got a new award again! Thanks, Riona-chan! ::huggles::


Yey!!! Who would have thought that we would win this award? Well, in any case, we would really like to thank Botan no Miko for giving us this lovely award. *sniff sniff* We really appreciate it...

Her comments: . "I really like your site, the designs are nice, and i love the contents a lot! and it's nice to know that there are lots of Koenma and Botan sites popping in the net!"


Now this award really took Misty (who was checking the mail then) by surprise. WOW!!! ^_^ Thanks a lot, Liza-san!

Here are her comments: "As a Yu Yu Hakusho fan myself, I find your site very nice, simple and cool. Keep it up!" 



  Rei's actually smiling!!! ^_^ We would like to thank Cybergig1 for this really kawaii award!

Comments: "...keep up the great work I really enjoyed your site!"




Wow! Look at Kaoru-chan's kawaii award! SUGOIIII!!!!!!!!!! Kaoru-Kenshin also happens to be one of our favorite couples...*sniff* Thanks a lot, ne? ^_^

Comments: "KaWaIi!!!!!! You have a simple yet creative website ^_^ - it gives lots of info and stuff to download of Koenma-and-Botan. Great JoKeS and fanfics. Keep up the SuGoI work!"



We won this really cool award from Filia Fire, the webmaster of Botan's Shrine of Happiness! Ah, this is so cute! It's our largest award so far (and we mean it literally and figuratively, since Filia-san said this was quite difficult to win... ^____^ ) Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!


This award is SO kawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  This really, really cute award is from Kim of the Anime Bungalow! Arigato!


Arigato gozaimasu, Julius-san!!!!!!!! ^_^ We just *love* this pic of the RK gang...and we're glad to have earned this award...


WOW!!!! This award really, really surprised us, and we were really flattered by Isshikawa-sama's comments...thank you thank you!!! ^___^ We're both glad to have made you get into the YYH fandom, too...

Comments: "Now I religiously follow Yuu Yuu Hakusho every afternoon. Because of your website. Simply put, it might look like as a website only for the Koenma and Botan supporters (which it truly is, I commend you for doing an exemplary job at that)... but also creates an impact among non-followers like me to actually watch the darned show. Even just to check out if there really is anything going on between the two of them. I have to admit, the first reason was out of curiosity; because Koenma and Botan are really so compatible and cute together... it would be hell fun to watch them whoop out at each other."


Wai! It's been such a long time since we got a new award! ^___^ Thanks Yukina-chan! (Hehe, thanks Riona!) We were really touched when you gave us this award. ::glomp::

Comments: "What helps make a great site even better? Knowing that awesome people run it!"



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