Cast Away

by Natsumi


Insert standard disclaimers in here!!!!

Chapter 1

Botan wakes up clutching her hair fiercely. Her head was aching and she was about to cry. Her kimono was soaked in water as she steadies herself to stand, most of the sand around her was clinging to her kimono. She stood up and went over to her companion. Her employer was still asleep, she glances around and finds that they had just made it in this deserted island. Tears came through her lavender eyes as she decided to sit beside her employer. She eyed him carefully and she whispered: “Koenma-sama… why did you have to get drunk?”


“Again?!” the toddler employer exclaimed frantically as he fixes his hat.

“But, Kurama needs help… his mother was brought to the hospital this morning and…” Botan shrugged, she felt her heart beating fast like before… whenever it was about Kurama.

“Botan, you’ve been skipping chores almost everyday these past few weeks!!” the prince shouted.

“But… I just.. please..” Botan stuttered, her tears ready to fall down.

“Botan!! Almost everyone here knows that Shiori’s condition is not critical!! I told you her fate already right?” he explained, still shouting.

“But… I just like to help…” Botan whispered turning her gaze outside.

“Like to help!? Damn it Botan!!!!!! Why do you keep on hoping for that guy to love you?!” Koenma exclaimed eyeing her carefully.

Botan’s violet eyes bulged at the toddler’s words… bereft… but then he wasn’t finished letting her off yet…

“Besides all you do is flirt with him!!!” he explained a-matter-of factly.

“FLIRTING!!! YOU THINK I’M FLIRTING!!! M----M---E--!!!!!!” Botan said slowly… not trying to let this conversation pass.

“Yeah… FLIRTING!!! You’ve always been and forever will be until he doesn’t notice you right?” he questioned raising one brow.

“Why do you always have to ruin everything for me?! Of all the ferry girls here I’m the only one you scold at?!… You… laugh at!? Why are you doing this to me Koenma-sama… only me?” she questions, her angry violet eyes meeting his.

“Why? I’ll tell you why… for almost 500 years we’ve been together… as my Fe—rry gi-rl… you’re still the same old dim-witted…half-brained… dense ferry girl that you’ll always be!!!!!!!” he explained, keeping his brown eyes in her.

“DENSE? What am I dense about!? Are you hiding something from me!?” Botan asked, her eyes kept its gaze on him…

“Just… just stop o.k.? I’m not gonna let you go to Ningenkai this time!! Go and help the other ferry girls over there.” He explained dismissing her with a wistful wave of his hand.

“Damn it!!! Why do you keep on making me feel worse than I am now?!” she exclaimed slamming both her fists to his table.

“GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!!!!” he shouted.

Their gazes met and silence takes place.

Botan sighs and walks out of his office.

Koenma takes a pause from walking and takes a deep breath, which was interrupted by a fierce pat in the back.


“You o.k.? Hey… where’s Botan?” his jet black-haired detective asked glancing around for the blue head.

“She’s grounded,” he explains,  brushing his hair up.

“Really? Poor girl… it’s really difficult when your boy friend is your boss eh?” he replies, tugging him to laugh with him.

“She was not helping in chores lately so I decided to ground her.” he retorts back sneering at Yusuke’s words.

“Poor girl… c’mon, genki-baasan’s probably waiting.

The Reikai tantei and the others, minus Hiei decided to visit genki-baasan to celebrate her birthday.

“Cheers!!!!!” Kuwabara exclaimed raising his cup.

“Second to that mwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!” Yusuke shouts half drunk.

“34 bottles of beer… 35 bottles of beer…36 bottles of beer!!! Mwahahahaha!!!!!!” Koenma cheers as he keeps on drinking his sake and keeps on refilling it.

“Looks like you have a lot of problems lately Koenma…” Kurama asks laughingly, quite flushed from drinking.

“You said it kitsune!! And one of them is you!!!! Mwahahahahahaha!!” he replied still laughing heartily.

“Huh? Why is that?” Kurama asked dumb-founded of the revelation.

“No I mean it’s not your fault really but you have to blame for it!! Taking - Bo--“ Koenma was cut off.

Genki cuts the conversation going on and lets a blue-haired lady in.

“Oi!! Botan!!! Come in come in!! Hiccup… um… c’mon sits here let’s drink!!” Shizuru calls patting the space beside her.

“Iie… I came to pick Koenma-sama… Enma-daioh is looking for you..” Botan explains bowing before him.

“But… everyone decided to stay here for a couple of days!!! It’s great here in the temple!!!!!!” Koenma replied drinking another cup of sake.

“Please, he needs you now.” Botan replies.

“Damn it!!! Okay C’mon.” he insisted as he tries to stand up.

Botan hops on her oar and Koenma jumps beside her. They went on their way, Koenma kept on tugging the oar causing her to get dizzy. She looks down and a mass of ocean water was ready to catch them.

“Ne, Koenma-sama, it would be much better if you’ll stop tugging so we’ll not fall o.k.?” she asked, keeping the oar steady.

“Oh… Botan you worry too much!!! Daijobu!!!! It’s not like we’re going to fall or your trusty oar would just break right?” He replied.

/snap/ the oar broke and they fell down the ocean. They cried out as they splashed to the water.

“C’mon!! Koenma-sama!! There’s an island over there!! C’mon!!” she shouted, pulling him as she swims towards the island.

Author's Notes:  Do tell me what you think about it…. y’know… R&R’s!!!!!

Oh, the title was inspired by the movie Cast Away… ^ ^

/sweats drop/ I dunno what will happen next it would be great to know what you think of this.


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