Only You

by Misty


Author's Note: 

In case the reader of this doesn’t understand, all italicized paragraphs happened in the past (I mean, when Kurama was still a youko in the Ma Kai. Please do be kind with me...this *was* my first ever YYH fic...which I still haven't finished now, ehehe...^^; I don't like the way I wrote the earlier parts now, but I promise, I *will* finish this fic. 




From the depths of the shadows in a dark forest, a figure was running hurriedly. Fearfully.

Where is he? The girl thought, looking around her frantically. She ran again, her breath coming in quick, short gasps.

Where are you? she almost screamed, panicking.  She needed to find him, before it was too late…

Suddenly, she heard a cry. A cry of pain. In alarm, she recognized the voice, for it was his.

“NO!!!” she screamed. She ran faster, her long, braided black hair trailing behind her.

She found him, facedown on the cold ground. Holding back her tears, she ran to him. She kneeled beside him, and took him into her arms. Blood from his body stained her clothes, but she didn’t care.

“I’m sorry,” she said softly. “I should have gone with you! How could I have been so stupid?” Her tears started falling now.

He was still alive, but he knew he wouldn’t be for long. He lifted his head to look at her one last time, and saw that she was crying. Never before had he seen her cry. Was he really that important to her…?

Behind the girl, hidden by some bushes, a hunter carefully aimed his weapon.

The twinkle in his eyes was fading, and yet he managed to give her a smile.

“You better go away now,” he said weakly. “That hunter will kill you too, thinking you’re one of my accomplices.”

She looked straight into his own golden eyes. “I don’t care.”

He struggled to speak. He knew he was going to die, soon, and he had to say these words before he did. “We shall meet again…someday,” he said, his voice just above a whisper. “I’d love to…compete…with you…again…”, he gave her a weak smile, and clasped the girl’s hand. Was that the only reason why he wanted to see her again? He knew it wasn’t…

“Don’t talk as if we’ll never see each other again!” she said angrily. “You must have some medicinal plants with you! Please—don’t die!!! We still have a battle to finish!!!” But she knew that wasn’t the only reason why she didn’t want him to die, she wouldn’t be crying if that was so. She didn’t want him to die because…

 “I’m sorry…” His grip on the girl relaxed, and he sighed. “I don’t want to leave you either. But there’s nothing more I can do…”

With considerable effort, he pulled a rose from his long silver tresses, and handed it to her. Shaking, the girl took the rose, and he smiled, and whispered,

“A goodbye is the beginning of tomorrow…”

Finally his eyes closed, and his head slumped on the girl’s chest.

The girl sat dazed for a few seconds. 


The very thought filled her being with sadness, and yet she could cry no more.

Suddenly, three shots rang out.

Blood flowed freely from her back, yet she barely noticed the pain. Nothing could be comparable to the pain of losing him.

She fell to the ground, near the young man. She knew that she was dying.

“A goodbye is the beginning of tomorrow,” she managed to whisper. “Someday…we shall meet again, and  I will find you…Kurama…”

And thus she died, her hand still clutching the rose he had given her.


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