Karina: Why not? Misty here will provide us with some reasons why they should be together!

Misty: Let's take a look at our list here. (gets a LOOONG strip of paper and reads it.)

Karina: Uh...Misty? I don't think they'd want to see all that.

Misty: Okay, let's start with our first reason. 


1.    They have known each other for a long time, since they work together a lot. 

Misty: I think that's important! At least they know enough about each other to actually sustain a conversation.

Karina: I couldn't agree with you more.

2. They also look good together. 

Misty: Botan is pretty and Koenma's handsome...

Karina: Of course Koenma-sama's handsome! Those eyes...that hair...*swoon*

Misty: *sweatdrop* And they say I'm the only one who gets obsessed with anime characters...

Karina: I'm not obsessed! I just think (sighs) that Koenma-sama's a really nice guy. *swoon*

Misty: Not that Kurama or Hiei don't look good, it's just that Botan looks best with Koenma.

Karina: Of course, who wouldn't look good with Koenma-sama? *sigh*

3. They're very good friends, too, and they have fun together, as you can see from the series.

4.    Botan doesn't have a song with any other guy, except for Koenma! They have a song entitled Moonlight Party.

Karina: (sings in a high pitched voice) Shall we dance? Shall we dance? Join us! Join us...

Misty:That's enough, it's gonna rain if you keep on singing.

Karina: That's mean. (sticks out her tongue)

Misty: So? Anyway, let's continue.  

5.    It's also not difficult for them to see each other since they both live in the Rei Kai! She wouldn't even have to use her oar to visit Koenma.

6.    Besides, their personalities DO NOT clash. 

Karina: If Botan's bubbly and cheerful, Koenma's also fun(except when it comes to his father and his work)! He also provides some comic relief in the series. Botan can also help him get away from his work once in a while and relax.

Misty: (puzzled) Um...Karina...are you sick or something?

Karina: No, I'm perfectly healthy.

Misty: Then why are you coming up with many reasons why Koenma and Botan should be together? Aren't you JEALOUS?

Karina: Well...*sniff,sniff* they deserve each other, okay? *sniff,sniff* Anyway, I'm so happy for them *boohoohoo*

Misty: Here we go again...

Back to Reasons!!!