By Melpomene
The Call of Hymen
KOENMA PAUSED TO admire his work. Well, there wasn't really anything
particularly admirable about it but the fact that the output piles are much
larger than the input piles already made him happy. Uh-huh, the sooner he gets
his work done, the sooner he'll be able to drag Botan for a quick stroll around
the city. That is if none of the oni would add another batch of stuff to do,
which is really too much to hope for.
"Okay," he muttered. "Only 3,563 pages more to go."
He started stamping again. Paper after paper sailed to and from his table,
magically piling by themselves. After a while, the door of his office flung open
and a blue oni entered.
Koenma groaned. He looked up, expecting to see George Satome carrying a new
mountain of paper. To his surprise, the oni was empty-handed.
"Excuse me, Koenma-sama," he said to the toddler, who continued to
stamp away. "Enma-sama called for you."
Koenma almost spat out his Fuumakan. "What?!?" he demanded. "The
Crete tear opened again? The Makai rebellion succeeded? An army is
George peered at him in a puzzled manner. "Well, none of those. At least,
he didn't say anything of those sort."
The prince sighed in relief. However, a new question popped in his head. Why did
his father send for him? Enma Daiou is not the type who goes for a casual
father-and-son chat.
Maybe I made some sort of mistake, thought Koenma. Oh,
well. Botan and the ice cream parlor will just have to wait.
"I'll go to him now," he murmured. "By the way, George. Have you
seen Botan? She still owes me a pile of paper work."
"I don't believe I have," George answered distractedly. "I think
Enma-sama sent her out for an errand or something."
"Is he that short of workers that he uses mine?" Koenma muttered.
"I guess he wants me to do something as well."
Koenma magically morphed into his adult form. It gives him more balance and
coordination than a three-year old body, or so he says. He could also make
better time with those long lanky legs than with those short stumps.
After walking through what seemed like a labyrinth of corridors, he reached the
imperial throne room that housed the ruler of Reikai. The crier announced him
accordingly and gave him permission to enter.
He was surprised when he didn't get a glimpse of the giant looming of figure of
his father. A closer look revealed the throne was empty. Koenma strained his
eyes searching for Enma.
"I'm here, my son," said a deep sagacious voice.
"Koenma looked around until he finally saw the speaker. The latter had the
likeness of Enma Daiou but…
The prince's jaw fell. "Father, you're-" he sputtered.
"I knew you'd be surprised, Koenma," the latter continued. "But I
thought assuming a more "normal" size would make it easier for me to
relate to my son."
Koenma recovered his business like poise with a shake of his head.
"Well, I am more comfortable in speaking with a person of the same eye
level as mine," he said. "What did you call me for?"
"I thought we could have a little talk."
The king raised his eyebrows. "Just because I am Enma Daiou doesn't mean
I'm denied those little father-and-son chats Ningens enjoy."
"Ok." Koenma was obviously skeptical.
"Come on, son. Take a sit and do lighten up, will you?" He motioned to
the coffee table where the coffee things and pastries were arranged. "And
you should pay more attention to your social life now while you still have time.
Once you inherit the throne, you'd be too busy to enjoy it."
too busy for one
, Koenma thought as he sat down opposite his father. Aloud, however, he said,
"It has improved quite a lot, father."
"Good, good. Perhaps, your involvement with Urameshi Yusuke did do you some
Koenma did a double take before he grasped the full meaning of what his father
had just said. Enma Daiou admitting to the good influence of Yusuke and the
others after that scandal during the Sensui case was practically unthinkable.
And him asking about social life? Koenma began to suspect there's more to their
meeting than a casual talk.
"I guess so," he finally answered.
They remained silent for a while. Koenma nibbled on a cookie. Enma sipped his
coffee. After a while, the latter spoke:
"Ah," he said, almost to himself. "You've really grown up, Koenma.
I didn't quite notice."
"Like, I have been for a number of millennia," Koenma retorted mildly.
"I know, son. Age doesn't really matter for us. You only stayed in your
toddler form for efficiency, as you say, but your physical body has matured long
before. I guess, I, too, am misled by your image. I didn't really realize that
you have already matured mentally and spiritually as well. Perhaps, your long
training did pay off and you're now capable of ruling this kingdom."
Koenma frowned but nervousness fluttered in his gut. "Father, I think you
just need a little vacation. You're working too hard lately and-"
Enma looked amused. "No, no. That was not what I meant. You were afraid I
was going to hand you down the reins right then and there, weren't you? Well,
not yet, child, so rest assured. What I mean is that you should prepare to train
another one to do your tasks once you take over mine."
"What exactly do you mean, sir?" Koenma lifted his cup to his lips to
hide their steady quivering.
"What I'm saying is that, you should already be getting an heir by
Koenma coughed out the coffee that entered the wrong passage in his throat. Enma
wiped the rest of it from his face with as much dignity as he could muster.
"I knew you wouldn't take it lightly, Koenma," he said. "But I
didn't think your reaction would be that violent."
"Gomen nasai, father, truly." Koenma managed to say. "It really
is so sudden and all."
"I really think you need a wife to take care of you, son. Someone who could
control you so that you won't overexert yourself."
"Um, what sort of woman did you have in mind, Father?"
"Well, you know you can't just marry anybody. The girl will have to be of
noble birth."
At this, Koenma's expression became clouded. "You know, Father, I know all
my ancestors, including you, had fixed marriages. Why don't you just tell me to
whom you had me betrothed with without my knowledge?"
"Yoshio Masago."
"Masago?!? Masago's a snooty snob!"
"Masago is a gentle refined young lady with an impressive lineage and pure
noble blood. She'll be perfect for you."
"No way!"
"You don't even know her, son. How can you decide so rashly?"
"That's the point! I don't even know her. How would I-"
On and on their argument raged. Enma tried different tactics to convince Koenma.
He threatened, humored, cajoled, pleaded, bargained, tricked, blackmailed, all
to no avail. Koenma adamantly refused.
Finally, Enma-sama relented. "Alright, Koenma," he said. "You
won't have to marry Masago this instant. I'd give you more time. But promise me
you'd get to know Masago better and try to reconsider."
Koenma sighed. "Yes, father, I will."
LESS THAN AN hour later, Koenma sat mooning over his formerly foot high,
100-flavored sundae.
"Alright, what's your problem this time?"
Koenma glowered at the blue-haired girl sitting across him.
"Koenma-sama," she spoke again. "How would I help you if all you
do is just glare at me?"
"Even if you know, I doubt you'd be able to do anything," he muttered.
"Well, for what did you drag me here for?" Botan looked at her watch
uneasily. "You know, I timed out two hours early today."
"Why did my father call for you this morning?"
"He asked me to deliver something for the Castle Styx. You know, the Yoshio
home. Why do you ask?"
Koenma moaned. "See? Why didn't he at least ask me before if I had anybody
in particular in my mind? It turns out
he has fixed this thing decades ago. No fair!"
"Wow! Like I can relate to you." Botan rolled her eyes. "Would
you mind terribly filling me up with details before you rant yourself to
Koenma told her everything that transpired between him and his father that
afternoon. They seem to have traded places for all the while Botan was quiet
while he raved about his misfortunes. Usually, it's her mouth that is going a
mile a minute.
Finally, the prince finished his tale. He stuffed a pretzel in his mouth to
signify he was through. He glared back at Botan, waiting for her reaction.
Botan didn't quite know what to think of it. She felt that as a friend, she
should sympathize with her master. However, she realized that as his servant,
she should let him see the light and urge him to do his duty. Still, she
couldn't help feeling a tiny quirk of jealousy. She didn't understand the strong
protest gnawing inside her, urging her to tell Koenma to defy the supreme ruler
of Reikai.
"Well?" pressed Koenma.
"I…" stuttered Botan. "I'm speechless. I-I don't know what to
"Humph. That's something new. Usually you don't
run out of things to say."
"It's so, um… sudden, Koenma-sama. Enma-sama doesn't even treat you like
an adult and now he's telling you to get married?"
"If he thinks I'm really half mature as he says I am, then maybe he could
have at least let me pick the woman I want to marry."
"But, Koenma-sama, it's been a tradition going back generations. Your
forefathers all had fixed marriages. Besides, why don't you want to marry Masago?
Like, every male in this world would like to be in your shoes. I mean, look at
her. She's tall, beautiful, sexy, fashionable, rich, intelligent. Need I go
on?" Botan sighed almost enviously. Everything
I'm not, she added mentally. "I think you look good together."
"Botan, marriage is not some pageant. It's a life long commitment. And if I
am to have that commitment, it has to be with a person I can relate to. Like,
Masago and I have practically next to nothing in common."
"How would you know?"
"Well, she's a typical aristocrat, Botan-chan. She'll be too busy worrying
about her image, her poise, everything. If I was to pick my fiancée, I'd choose
someone I can talk to, someone like you, perhaps."
Botan didn't immediately realize what he had said but when she did, she stood up
in shock. "Koenma-sama, are you pulling my leg?"
"Calm down, Botan. I was just using you as an example. Sit down."
Botan flopped down on her seat. "As I was saying a while ago, maybe you're
just too prejudiced about her. I mean, before I was assigned to be your
assistant, I thought you were a "typical aristocrat", as well. You
really must give her and yourself time, you know. Heed your father, Koenma-sama."
"I guess you're right." Koenma sighed and resigned himself to the
realities of his royal duties. Botan's agreement was his last blow. He was
hoping, deep inside, that Botan would protest to it, but she didn't.
"So, you've finished you're ice cream? Good. Come on, let's go. Maybe I can
still finish my work in the office. I also have a few souls to fetch."
Koenma managed a chuckle. "You're too tense and you know it. I'm your boss,
remember? There are ways, my pet, on how to earn your bread despite your
Botan stuck her tongue out at him. "Hey! That's abuse of power. Arigatou
gozaimasu, but I prefer earning my pay fair and square."
"Come on, Botan, your senseless prattle isn't that useless. You do make me
feel better."
"Ahhh! So that's my new line of duty, eh? The Prince of Reikai's therapist?
Very funny."
Koenma laughed again, this time more freely. "You're a good friend, nitwit
"I know." Botan smiled wryly. "And if I were you, I'd increase my
good ole friend's salary."
"You're hopeless, Botan-chan."
She laughed.
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