
By Melpomene


 Sixteenth Chapter

The Real Enemy

"SO WHAT YOU'RE saying is, it's not really my brother who is causing all this but his alternate personality."


"This alter-ego of his-"

Botan listened half attentively as Koenma explained the situation. She herself knows all these already, perhaps even more than what the prince is aware of.  She knows he's not telling his half-sister the whole truth: the fact that she is the daughter of Enma, too; that all these resulted from an illegitimate affair of the king of Reikai and a daughter of the clan of Grey; that this is the fulfillment of a curse.

Botan clutched at Koenma more tightly. They had landed on the valley below the mountain range and had to go on foot from then on.  The two blue bloods have been supporting her all the way. Ironic isn't it? She leaned more on Koenma since he is a man and is presumably (hopefully) stronger.

It was impossible to stay aloft at the state of things what with the thick snowfall and all. The weather has really worsened after the last hour. The overcast sky is now invisible because of the heavy snowfall. Anytime soon, this may become a full-blown blizzard.

The trees are thinner down here and there is a great deal more light available. It is hard to find shelter, however. There are fewer evergreens here to shield the ground from the snow. There are mostly deciduous trees in that area. Their bare branches, of course, could offer no protection.

"So where are we heading for right now?" asked Masago presently.

"There's a Reikai outpost out here somewhere," answered Koenma. Then, under his breath he muttered. "I'm just not sure where exactly."

"But Ieyasu-"

"Ieyasu should be in the embassy. That's rather far from here. It's in the capital."

Should be, thought Masago. We can never be sure. She held her tongue, however. They would just have to take the risk.

They continued their voyage silently. Masago waited expectantly during each break of quietness. She was hoping either one of the two would break the ice and clarify their feelings for each other. But of course, with her hanging around, it's probably too much to hope for.

"Oh look," said Koenma after another fifteen minutes trek. "There it is."

So it is. A broken down log cabin loomed before them. It wasn't much but its yellow glow promised a cackling fire, hot drinks, and soft seats. In fact, there's the welcome party.

Then again, they aren't so welcoming. Soon enough, seemingly hostile soldiers of Reikai SWAT surrounded them, forming a chain of powerful warriors around them. Presently, the door of the shack swung open.

"Well, well," said a voice from within. "Welcome, o Prince to your soon to be humble abode."

"Ieyasu-niisan," gasped Masago.

"That name is nice Lady Yoshio but I prefer being addressed as Doom."

"Listen," whispered Koenma. "I'll take out these guys and then you two can make a run for it. I'll try to restrain the mastermind as long as I can. You guys try to ask help from Atsumori."

"But-" protested Botan.

"No butts. Masago, take care of Botan."

"Yes, but this is Doom a.k.a. S-class avenging demon in the body of my brother a.k.a. Reikai Elite Force Academy Valedictorian Class 200. Are you sure-" said Masago.

"Of course, trust me. I didn't expect you to even defend yourself a while ago. I believe I can manipulate my powers as well, if not better, than you."

"Suit yourself. Be careful."

"Koenma-sama, I--" Botan attempted to say but Koenma had already faced Doom once more.

"So you've finally shown yourself, Doom," he said. "You are aware that I'm here to stop you."

"You can't do that," replied Doom. "I already know of your plan. D'you actually think leaping on one of these warriors will give enough space and time for these girls to escape? You are pitiful."

"Of course, I know that would be futile, which is why I prepared this especially for you!"

A blinding yellow green light flashed from the prince and the accompanying energy threw everyone back. The two girls, who had protected themselves by a force field, took the initiative to run.

"After them," ordered Doom as he quickly recovered. "Remember, touch not a single hair on their heads."

The SWAT warriors, who took longer time for recovery, flew off.

"You shouldn't under estimate me," said Koenma quietly, wearing an ominous smile. "After all, the prince of Reikai can't be as weak as he appears. Besides, where else would the Fuumakan get its power?"

"You boast of that pacifier's power?" said Doom with a laugh. "Let me remind you. It did nothing against Sensui and he's human.

"And you're youkai," quipped Koenma triumphantly. "Exactly what the Fuumakan is made for."

"Am I?" Doom took out a dagger and etched a gash across his own face. "To my knowledge, the ruling class of Reikai isn't youkai."

"Don't do that!" snapped Koenma angrily.

"I'll do whatever I want. This body is mine."

"Not if I could help it." Spiritual energy began to gather around both of them.

"You can't"

"We'll see."

MASAGO CAREFULLY AIMED at the soldier from behind the thick trunk of the pine.

"Miss Masago?" questioned Botan.

"Shhh…" she answered. "Sniping requires concentration. Besides, I've never done this before."

"But you have no weapon. How-"

"Just you wait!" Teeth gritted, she released the energy that accumulated on her palm.



Masago was thrown back by the force she released. She landed a few paces from her original position face first.

"Miss Masago!" Botan rushed at her side.

Masago lifted her face from the ground, coughing.

"I swear, I would never try such a thing again," she said, panting.

"Wow," said Botan, eyes widening. "I never thought you had powers, too. I mean, I do, too, but it's not sufficient for combat."

"I had never been given formal training for its usage but having two powerful brothers does have its advantages. Ouch, ow, ow, ouch."

"What about Koenma-sama?"

"Well, just have to trust him, I guess."

"What if the SWAT finds us?"

"They won't. Atsumori did teach me how to produce force fields resistant to their powers."


"Yes. Unfortunately, only resistant. Don't worry. It'll probably take a while before those guys recover."

"I hope so.

Be careful, Koenma-sama, she thought.

SPIRITUAL ENERGY AGAINST spiritual energy clashed and exploded with unimaginable power. The earth reverberated with each impact and the strain of the non-stop snowstorm launched an avalanche.

The combatants faced each other panting a tad dismally. None had been too pleased to discover that their attacks merely cancelled the effects of each other and created equal damage to both parties. No surprise. Same blood courses through their veins. Same training shaped them up since childhood.

"Not bad," said Doom. "You'll have to do better."

Not bad, indeed. Considering Ieyasu is a trained warrior, and, as Masago mentioned, a topnotcher in military school with his body and reflexes sharpened by experience and vigorous training, Doom certainly has the edge. Koenma, on the otherhand, has spent all his time in the past sitting in his office, straining his eyes, stretching the gray matter of his brain and generally keeping his claws off the martial and physical rigors of his responsibility. He relied solely on the Tantei for that.

Now is different. There is no Reikai Tantei. There is no one around to help him. There's no back available behind which he can hide right now. He is on his own.

Strange, he contemplated as he struggled to catch his breath. He could defeat me easily if we go mano e mano. He knows I won't dare fight him face to face. He knows I can't bear to hurt my brother's body directly. Besides, with these spindly arms, I can't do much with my fists. Perhaps, Ieyasu retains some control of himself.

"Ieyasu!" he yelled aloud. "I know you're in there. Break free."

"You know it's futile, Koenma," answered Doom. "You'd have to fight me seriously."

"What is it you really want?"

"Do you have to ask?"

"Obviously, yes. I don't know."

"It's quite simple. It's the fulfillment of my destiny. "

"What? Why?"

"There is no personal reason. Simply that it is my duty to punish the crimes against the natural order. Long, long ago, two families brought the worlds to its knees. When they were defeated, the cosmos decided to prevent ultimate domination from occurring again. Thus, the curse and I came to existence. You are exempted from this. After all, you are a victim yourself. But you just had to interfere."

"I don’t understand."

"You have no need for understanding. A curse is a curse."

"Then why did you involve Botan here?"

"You'll find out soon enough. As for the other girl, she, too, is to be slaughtered as punishment for the royal clan's sins."


"Then you have to choose," boomed Doom maniacally. "Your sister or brother?"

MASAGO PEERED OUT anxiously through the force field that gave them both security by being a barrier and a mask of their presence. Thankfully, it also emits a small amount of heat, which helps a little.

The girl worriedly felt Botan's forehead. It's very hot with fever.

This is bad, Masago thought. Nightfall is nearing. She won't survive the cold of the night. We have to get out of here!

"Miss Masago," the invalid spoke with much effort. "I-"

"Shhh…" The other protested. "Save your strength." She removed her cloak and tucked Botan in the best she could. She began to rub two stones together on a pile of pine needles.

"Listen." Botan tried again.

"Talk later!" Worry made Masago ornery.

"There might be no later."

Masago gasped. "What?"

"I want you to go for help. Master Atsumori can't possibly be an enemy now. They should be able to help Koenma-sama. They may even have the Heir of Althea with them."

"But… I can't leave you! Koenma specifically told me to guard you."

"The sooner the Althea finishes the sacrifice, the sooner I'd get some help."

Masago gazed at Botan's eyes. "Just promise me you won't get out of this force field."

"I promise. Would you be able to ride my oar?"

Masago gulped. "I'll try."

"Okay, I'll summon it."

"There. I've finished your fire."

"Take your cloak."

"No." Masago was adamant. "I'll manage. Be careful."

"Be careful, too."

Masago hugged Botan tightly. Then she went her way.

"Goodbye," murmured Botan. "And I'm sorry……."

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