Maybe this Time  

by Miiru Kamishiro


Chapter 1

Meioh Hikaru


“Ahh…..!” a voice screamed behind me. “Koenma-sama!”

I looked back and saw a woman in that tattered, dirty pink kimono. Her lavender eyes were filled with tears and she seemed to be very weak. She was asking for someone’s help. Although I wanted to help her, I couldn’t. I was really confused.

Suddenly, we appeared in a cliff. She is grasping for her life. I attempted to give my hand to her, but I couldn’t reach her. All of the sudden, it became too steep. We both had been thrown helplessly from the cliff. This is my end---our end.

“I love you, Koenma-sama!” That’s the last thing I had heard.


I got up. My body is all sweaty and tired. I didn’t seem to have some sleep. I was panting, crying, mixed emotions were with me. Why am I turning like this? This is only a stupid nightmare.  

“Hikaru!” my mother shouted angrily. “Get up now!”  

Let me introduce myself to you. I am Meioh Hikaru. I am seventeen years old and I am in third year high school. I live here in Tokyo with my parents, my sisters and my brother. I am the second child of my mother and father.

 “With that look in your face,” my sister, Yuuki started while we were eating. “You had that dream with that blue-haired girl again.”

 I sighed. “Yeah. How did you know?”

“I guessed,” she rolled her eyes. “Oh, could you please forget about that girl?! You don’t even know her name.”

“Besides,” my youngest sister, Mirei chipped. “You already have a girlfriend.”

I smiled. Mirei is right. I already have a girlfriend. Her name is Raikouji Chizuru. She is my childhood best friend. It is not a surprise that I had fallen in love with her. She is smart and fun plus she is also very beautiful. Anyone could fall for those long, straight black hair, those blue eyes and her flawless fair skin. I love her so much that I told her that I would never love anyone besides her.

“I am not saying that I’ll forget Chizuru,” I told Mirei. “But if you had that nightmare since you are little then you’ll be bothered too...”

Mirei just eyed me and drank her milk up.

“But you know,” my older brother, Ryu said. “I think we must think of something to take that girl out of your mind. If this continue Hikaru-ototo, a bigger and more dangerous problem would occur.”

I shivered but I didn’t show it to Ryu. Ryu is really amazing. Everything he says actually come true. He is a ‘psychic’ sort of person. He can see your future. That’s why he is such a popular guy in school. Everyone can’t wait to hear on what date are they supposed to die...

After breakfast, I hurried outside the door. It was 30 minutes to eight o’clock. I am almost late to fetch Chizuru. I am sure she’ll be furious.

She lives thirteen blocks away from my house. And from the gate of my house, I could see her beautiful face turning crimson because of anger. As fast as I could, I ran and meet her at her place.

“I am sorry,” I apologized as soon as I reach her gate. “I didn’t mean to be a little late in fetching you...”

“Oh...” she eyed me very angrily. “And I suppose you want to have a ‘tardy’ record.”

“No!” I exclaimed. “Of course not!”

“Well come on now,” she told me bossily. “The best student in school would surely wouldn’t want a stain in his perpetually clean record...”

“Aw don’t need to say that. C’mon...” I felt my cheeks turned red. I am not ‘arrogant’ but it is true---I am the best student in school ever since I was in preschool and I never had any bad records either.

“Race you from here to the train station,” she suddenly then broke into a smile. “The last one’s the rotten egg...”





“Oh Lord,” I groaned as I open my locker. Hundreds of  ‘love letters’ came rushing down. “Not again...”

“Can you blame them Meioh-san,” my classmate, Mikono Rui said teasingly. “You are very intelligent, gentleman and you are so handsome too...Oh, Meioh-san, you are very dreamy...”

“Mikono-san,” I said with a worried sort of voice. “Don’t tell me you also place a love letter here too!”

Rui’s face inflamed. “Is it obvious, Meioh-sama? I love you...”

Argh...Lord, not again. I am in it again. I could hear that phrase more than ten times a day and this is the third one for this day.

“Um, Mikono-san,” I uttered uneasily. “You have a very early decision to ‘love’ me. Maybe you are just feeling a little ‘infatuation’ towards me..."

She doesn’t seem to listen to any word that I say. She seized me and hugged me like a juvenile girl does to her little doll.

“Mikono-san! Please release me!” I cried as I try my best to struggle away from her.

“I love you Meioh-sama,” she sighed as we stumbled to the floor then showered my face with kisses.

“Ah,” she moaned sadly, while suffocating me with her embrace. “Meioh-san, why don’t you leave that girl? You don’t know how much I adore you.”

“What girl?” my eyes then looked up and saw Chizuru’s face burning red with anger. She raised her tightened fist and you know it, I was hit badly on my face. It was so hard that I barely forget about myself.

“Hikaru-kun! You are such a big PERVERT!”

Is being a very attractive guy now a crime?



“Chizuru-chan,” I tried to apologize at our lunch.  “You know that I didn’t try to lure her or anything...Rui-san was just ‘carried away’ by her ‘obsession’ towards me.”

She gulped down her soda and stared at me suspiciously. “How can I know that I can trust you now? You are assaulted by more than seven girls since this morning...”

“B-but...what can I do, itooshi? I can’t get away from those girls,” Then my eyes sparkle seriously towards her. I need to tell her this now. “Chizuru, all I wanted is for you to trust me then after all of this, I’ll make you the happiest bride in the world...”

Her pale cheeks turned redder than the reddest tomatoes. “D-do you mean it...?”

“Do I look like joking?” I asked her sincerely at the same time placing my hand over her shoulders. “I love you with all my heart. Nothing’s going to tear us apart. Nothing...”

“Hikaru,” she cried desperately over my shirt. “I am indeed blessed to have you...”

I feel I am the luckiest person in the world too.



“I am home now mother,”

Then I could hear something black and soft running towards me. It jumped over me and I realized it was my dog, Aki. She was wagging her tail. She is certainly happy to see me. You know, I found her when I was four years old. She followed me wherever I go so I adopted her. My family likes her too except maybe, Yuuki. She is not fond of furry animals because it makes her sneeze.

“How are you old girl?” I asked her as I patted her fur. “Did you miss your old man?”

She just licked my in my face affectionately. It tickles!

“Hey stop that!” I laughed.

Mom suddenly appeared with a great smile in her face.

“What’s up, mother?”

“Good news!” her eyes gleamed with deep happiness. “Your father would stay here for a month!”

I grinned. We hardly see dad. He is such a big businessman with a very boring life. He is always away and I know how mother miss him. “That’s a good news mom!”

“But...” she suddenly frowned. “He has to bring his Chinese business partner, Mr. Li and his wife, Xiaoyu and only daughter, Meilin. I’m sure we would talk about business here all month. Oh my Lord...”

I shrugged. I already expected that. Then, I hearing the surname Li, Aki ran out of the door and out of our house. She is really puzzling and very clueless. But we’re used to her anyway...

“But,” mother paused. “After two months of not seeing him...oh, Hikaru, you don’t know how much I miss him...”

I gazed upon her face now mixed with sadness and happiness as well as anxiousness and excitement. Truly, my father is very fortunate to have a Penelope-like wife. I wonder if Chizuru-chan would be the same if we were married? I am sure I’ll take my father’s position in running our big business but...

“Why the sudden quietness, Hikaru?” mother asked.

“Um...when will father return?”

“Two days from now,” she smiled heavenly and run to the nearest mirror. “Now maybe I have to give a new style to my brown hair. What if I dyed it with other colors? And Hikaru-chan, do you notice that I am already looking like an old woman because of these wrinkles? Oh can I possibly face him? I am hideous!”

“You just look perfect mother,” I said proudly. “You look perfect...”



Aki, the dog then looked at her reflection at the Meioh’s swimming pool. Her furry black reflection then changed into a pale woman in blue kimono with her black hair pulled into a bun. Then from the thin air, a blue, funny-looking  ‘oni’ then appeared behind her.

“So how was it, Ayame-chan?” the oni then asked the pale woman. “What’s your report for this day?”

“George...All I can say is,” she replied. “Li.”

“Li?” asked the oni excitedly. “Do you think...?”

“Hush,” she told him like the night soft breeze. “Don’t get too excited yet. We’ll the next two days.”

She smiled to her reflection as she saw the full moon rose above her.

“Maybe you can now get what you wanted,” she told herself. “Koenma-sama...Meioh Hikaru…whoever you are...”


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