Past Updates!!!

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Dec. 27, 2000

Hope you all enjoyed your holidays! Anyway, due to the requests of a lot (and we do mean A LOT) of our visitors, we added a new fic, Fantasies, by Cherrie. Don't worry, we mean to add some more soon...^^; Sorry, minna. And we also fixed the postcards, although it might be a bit too late already...oh, and who is our 1000th visitor? (Here we go again.) Please e-mail us, whoever you are! 


Dec. 25, 2000

Merry Christmas, minna-san!!! Hope you enjoy this very special day. ^_^ And in honor of this very special occasion, we present to you the


Check it out!

Koenma: *impatiently* Why don't you just announce it right now? You two just love keeping people in suspense, don't ya?

Karina: *hugs Koenma in delight* KOENMA-SAMAAA!!!!

Botan: I'm here too!!! ^^

Misty: HI!!! What are you guys doing here?  

Koenma: Oh, we just wanted to visit you to see how you're going. And to know who the winners are...

Botan: We also wanted to greet you two. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Karina: Wow...this is the best Christmas ever...Koenma-sama and Botan-chan are here with us. *sniff* 

Misty: Yeah...if only Kurama was here too. *sigh* Maybe next Christmas then.

 Oh, and do you like our new background? If you hate it, well...don't worry, we'll remove it tomorrow. It's just to honor the season. :D


Dec. 19, 2000

To whoever our visitor number 1000 will be... PLEASE E-MAIL US!!!  Okay, on to the updates. We have new fanfics (only new to this site though...these fics were probably archived already in other sites ^_^; ), all by M.E....Contemplation on the Subject of Sleep, Dreams, History's Shadow, and Remembered with All my Broken Heart. New pics in the Image Gallery, too...and of course, as usual, added a few links! And introducing a NEW section...the postcards section! We have new Christmas cards up, there are only a few, but never mind...some of them are ANIMATED! Oh, and the deadline of our contest is in 5 days, but of course, some of you still can



Dec. 9, 2000

We decided not to continue with the Thought of the Week...for now, at least. We still can't think of something hilarious which we can post as a Thought...unless you guys have suggestions? :) Okay, onto the updates. We added some fanart (lots of 'em, actually) by Venatic. (Finally! Someone contributed some fanart!!! Thanks a lot, Venatic, we really appreciate it. :D) Check it out on the new Fanart section. And new Fanfic, too...  My Best Friend's Wedding, by Misty. And of course, added a few links...2 more tones (including Moonlight Party) in the Music section. And again, we plead you guys to 


Hope you guys join...PLEASE?


Nov. 18, 2000

Who in the world was our 500th visitor? Oh, well, it was Misty's fault for putting the counter in the bottom of the main page! Anyway, thank you, whoever you are! We now have a Music section (hooray!). And, err...isn't anyone going to contribute some fics to us? Or fanart? Anything? This is a desperate plea...PLEASE!!! WE NEED SOME CONTRIBUTIONS!!! ... Speaking of contributions, please join our Fanfic and Fanart Contest!!! Just click the previous link for more details. And check out our new THOUGHT OF THE WEEK!!! It takes quite some time to load...but it's worth it! (we hope...)


Nov. 1, 2000

OOPS!!! Sorry, for the fanfic we added before was NOT entitled Drynwyn, it is entitled The Angel of Death, and it was made by Melpomene, not Melapomene. Sorry, Ms. Melpomene! We also added some new pics and fanart in the Image Gallery (FINALLY!), but there are only a few. Contributions, anyone? We also have a new banner, which all of you can use if you want to link to our site. Also added Yusuke to the list of Koenma's rivals in the Why? section. And, all you guests, PLEASE vote in the poll located in the Back Room. Of all the people who visited our site, only 17 voted. We really want to know your opinion! And also, we noticed that the Others choice was winning. Who are those other couples you like anyway? Please e-mail us! Oh, and before we forget, we have a new e-mail, too!


Oct. 21, 2000

We FINALLY added to the Fanfic section! Presenting a new multichapter fic by Melapomene, it's entitled Drynwyn. It's not exactly a Koenma-Botan story, though it does contain some hints about them. As usual, we added more links. And also, we received a new award!!! Thanks a lot, Botan no Miko!!!