<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/mistyblueoo1/Bennyistillmisssomeone.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
My heart is always at home, with thoughts of family and friends, even though it can get lonely at times with no love in my life to share with. Hope that will all change one day in the future, til then I want to thank those who have shown their love and support to me. When the cold season arrives, love to cozy up in front of the fireplace, watching the flames glow. Looking out the window as the leaves change colors and begin to fall, waiting for all the seasons to change each bringing new sites to enjoy. Spring is the favorite one for me, watching all that is in bloom, with all the colors in the rainbow. With all this, I can say still miss someone being in my life.

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My Feelings (c) B.Arms,Dec-2003
Miss (c) Benny-Private Recording
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