"A knight is sworn to valor.
His heart knows only virtue.
His blade defends the helpless.
His might upholds the weak.
His words speak only truth.
His wrath undoes the wicked!
The right can never die,
if one man still recalls.
The words are not forgot,
if one voice speaks them clear.
The code forever shines,
if one heart holds it bright."

My soul is much as my name says. I have chosen my nickname
not only because it is how I feel as a man and a person.
I truly believe in the values the words represent.
I am friends with the Dragon and was so glad when
they made the movie Dragon heart. It showed for one of the
first times in history what a Dragon truly was. What it's
myth truly represented. I live much my life as the
OLDE CODE says and believe it dearly in my heart.

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