A Moment Missed

Oh dear - no Java!!!!

Waking to a new day you are given a special wish
As you ponder over the wonder you believe is a dream
Had so much changed as the stars lit the sky
The beams of sun touching all that you see

The touch the look overwhelming the senses
With caution you proceed
Touching her softness and feeling her warmth
Finding this is really not a dream

Her lips soft and sweet as cotton candy
Her eyes filled with her passion within
Leaving me at a point
I thought I would never see again

The feeling of being alive never so strong
Emotions so very hard to grasp
Just as the moment starts
It becomes a part of the past

Just as the fireworks
Ignite in flight
Exploding with beautiful color
Then fading into the night

Wishing so much you could live it again
So you could manipulate time
To experience every second as a year passes by
Lasting till the end of life

Now what I found as real
Has retreated to my dreams
Thinking of how many things I would have done different
Wondering if it will ever be

Learn from my hesitation when a wish is granted
Look close at every moment in time
Take hold and never let go
Enjoy the very best of life

Danny Wells ©