<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/mistypoetry06/ConwayTwittyItsonlyMakeBelieve.wav" LOOP=INFINITE>
I see my face in your's
I see my face in your's
When I look at the faces of my two girls at the age, when things were make believe in our minds, I see a vision of myself in you. I often wonder, if you had the same hopes and dreams making believe that it would all come true. I know we have the fantasy of meeting that handsome someone to love for the rest of our lives. Sadly to say, it did not turn out that way for either of us, we found them in real life, but it all disappeared like it never even existed. That does not mean that we cannot go on dreaming and maybe make believe to help carry us through, til the real dream comes true, then there will be no more make believes. It is hard to give up those younger days of our lives, when all was like a fairy tale with all kinds of visions in our minds. I hope you never stop dreaming, cause holding onto a dream has a way of coming true, love you both!
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MakeBelive (c) C.Twitty -CD
About Life-B.Armstrong-Aug,2003