<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/mistypoetry06/windbeneathmywings.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
Angel Among Us
Angel Among Us
There is always the vision of a guardian angel in your mind, just seek to find her. She is watching over you while you sleep, she is so tiny that she hides in your pocket. She, always find her way to be with you at all times, each time your are protected from harm, she was with you. Just look up to the heavens above, each star that twinkles is a angel there for all, you do not have to choose, she knows where to find you. Feel a little puff of wind on your face, was her wings..
Treasure & Pleasure
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Poetry(c) B.Armatrong-July,2003
Wind Midi (c) Owner
Thanks Lil, for sharing