Final Fantasy T V VI VII VIII IX X X-2 Kingdom Hearts ESF BattleField 1942 Dragon Ball Z/GT Forum |
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8/11/03:- Mitgoten Today I have uploaded another page of Final Fantasy VII pictures. I have nearly finished FFVII so you will not be getting many more pictures for this but not to worry cause Ill play another FF through and get pics for that :) I have recently heard that Square-Enix is going to release a remake of FFVII and also FFVII-2 the movie in one pack. This is just a rumour so I cannot say it will happen for sure but we can hope. |
8/11/03:- Zidane Its more like night, but anyway, you will rarely see updates from me as I have been banned from the net because I slammed a door mistake,)its for about 5 weeks) but neways, I redid the FFVII characters, I changed the pics to make it look better...and it does, and have done a review for the FFVIII. Can you believe it, we are almost at 1000 people, we should be there in about 2 days, hopefully, so keep on coming, see ya later, enjoy. |
9/11/03:- Mitgoten Not a very big update today im affraid but it's better than nothing! I have now done a review for Final Fantasy V and I also noticed that I had not linked my 3rd page of FFVII pictures. Sorry bout that but I have fixed now :-) Take a look! |
19/11/03:- Mitgoten Hello everyone! I am glad to say that Page Builder is working again and I can update my site again! I have added a new afflaite to my site! Final Fantasy Canada is a great site so take some time to look! Final Fantasy XII has got some new pictures out and I will be getting them here soon! |
21/11/03:- Mitgoten Well finally the info on Final Fantasy 12 has arrived! You can view the picture taken from a japanese magazine by clicking here! I have read all about it and it seems like a great game. It is meant to be more challenging than any other Final Fantasy has been and it will also include some of the citys from Final Fantasy Tactics! The graphics have been beefed up and it looks like the hole half clothed thing is still with the times for Square-Enox! Read more ... |
30/11/03:- Mitgoten Big news today! I have created a brand new Forum! Now it has taken a while to find a good host for it but I got one now all thanks to the maker of FFXtreme! It looks good, feels good and has some cool features so i hope you join up and take a look! Ow, I must say a quick sorry to you all as I haven't really been updating lately, I have nothing to blame it on but my own laziness :-P Tomorrow is the first of Christmas soo everyone get ready to put those Christmas trees up! |
28/12/03:- Mitgoten Hey everyone! I aint updated this site in years and I may not for a while I'm afraid. Today I will give out some great sites that I have been going to lately. First is a great Forum site called LethalFeline. This Forum deals with emulation and other great things so click here to visit LethalFeline. There are other great sites and if you wish to see these goto my forum and you will find them in the Advertise section. Ok, also I would like to wish Guy Sebastian well in World Idol! He is defenitly a great singer and if you ask me he could win it! Hehe, anywayz, I hope you all had a great Christmas and got some great gifts! Look forward to the New year and I wish you all a great New year!! |