George was Poppy's little bunny brother. Incredibly sadly he died in 1999 at the young age of 1 year and 1 month. His death was needless and avoidable if we had been more experienced bunny parents! George was the most gentlest, patient and adorable rabbit and was a super brother for Poppy. They were inseperable - where ever Poppy went, George was not far behind, and she would protect him to the hilt. George needed regular washing and cleaning after he was neutered. For some reason he would get wee all over himself, but he patiently sat and let us wash and dry him. One day he started taking fur out of his bunny ruff and eating it. Rabbits cannot be sick so instead of the fur coming up in fur balls it just clogged his stomach. The vet recommended pineapple juice to dissolve the fur. George didn't take to this and instead of perservering we stopped giving it to him. George got weaker and weaker and went into bunny hospital. Sadly he was just too weak to respond to their treatment and went to sleep. We still feel very guilty about George's death, but he is always in our thoughts and hearts.