Christine Elliott's Site Devoted to Rabbits Indoors & Outdoors
Rose came to live with us in 2000 with her brother Pumpkin.  We adopted them both from friends who had tried to keep them but couldn't look after them anymore.  They had been kept together for a while and Rose had produced two litters of kittens, but sadly all the kittens died.  They had then been seperated as their family didn't want this to happen again.  When they came to us we had Rose spayed and Pumpkin neutered so they could once again live as a bonded pair.  This they very happily do, although it's clearly Rosie who wears the trousers.  Rosie is the healthiest bunny we have ever had!  We think she is a French Lop and she was fairly young when she came to us as she had one ear up and one ear down.  Both her ears are beautifully drooped down now and Rosie is possibly the prettiest bunny in the world (but we only said that when Poppy wasn't listening)!  She is an excellent nurse to her brother and openly dotes on him!!  When running around the room Rosie is curious and interested.  After a bound around outside she just can't be doing with exercise much prefering to watch Pumpkin instead.  More recently, Rosie too has developed teeth problems.  We have been cutting them for about a year now, but this can only be done for so long before they start to bleed.  We did try and have them removed at the vets, but Rosie stopped breathing under the anesthetic.  Our vet, being the wonderful man he is, abandoned the operation and got her breathing again, for which we are eternally grateful!  So, Rosie still has her problem teeth, but we will continue to do what we can for her.

Yes!  I am pretty!