Picture of Tank Car Another Picture of Tank Car
Tank Car - as yet unnumbered

This is a scratch built tank car. My first attempt at such a project. I based it on plans from Northeast Narrow Gauge which, along with some general assembly instructions ran in an issue of Garden Railroader. The plans indicate that it scales out at 1:20. Weathering ideas were borrowed from other websites and photos at Fine Scale On Line. I wish I could give specific credit to certain individual websites, but I did not keep track of them at the time. The best addition to this model was the use of a small clothing snap for a tap handle.

The bucket was made from a cap used to protect the threads on pipe. I trimmed the lip to size and fashioned a handle from wire. I left the centre portion of the insulation on as a handle. The journals are Ozark Miniatures. I made the stake pockets from sheet metal and wire. I used pinheads to generally represent rivets.

Since building this car I have learned about using "Blacken-it" and other materials for rusting castings. Subsequent models will make use of that technique. Note the un-naturally uniform rusting represented on this model.

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Last Modified July 18, 2001