This page was last updated on July 21, 2001
- NAME: Kiti Mitsu -- Mitsu means "honey" in the ancient Japanese tongue
- EYE COLOR: Deep velvety brown
- HAIR COLOR: Glossy black and short
- LOCATION: San Francisco
- HOBBIES: Taunting the DH board newbies, practising Links & Kinks with her DH and folding origami representations of the DH...anatomically correct of course!
- FAVORITE FOOD: Sushi and noshing on Dragon tidbits*vwg*
- BIGGEST WEAKNESS: Dislikes admitting she has any weaknesses
- THEME SONG: Slave To Love by Bryan Ferry
- FLOWER FOR MAMA'S GARDEN: Chives for Mama's herb garden since they are tasty and also flower and she has so many of us to feed at our gatherings
- GEM: Ruby
- TURN ONS: 3N night short for Nibbling, Necking and Nudity! Leather and being Domi Kiti!!!
- TURN OFFS: Smoking cigarettes in bed, rude people
- WHETHER OR NOT YOU ARE SQUIRED AND BY WHOM: Currently Dragon's devoted squire
Kiti Mitsu
My divinely gorgeous Dragon!
My background image is courtesy of Web Clip Art. Please be sure to check out this great link on the site for some neat freebie backgrounds and graphics!
The title heading at the top of my page, Mitsu's Profile is courtesy of the Flaming Text website. Take a look at this super site for great free graphic images and fonts that you can create yourself and download.
The kewl patterned bar and some of my graphics are courtesy of EOS Development. Gorgeous free graphics on this site, be sure and visit!