Hallo thar! This is a short summary of what exactly MITSUO FRUIT is! Basically, it's an informational page about the great manga by Shuri Shiozu called Eerie Queerie! Since there isn't exactly a plathora of Eerie Queerie fan sites, I hope to bring more information about this loverly comic! ^_^ So please enjoy!
Forever more and insane,
Mai Lynn (5/21/04)
~*~ Information about Eerie Queerie ~*~
(Where to find it, price, etc...)

About Eerie Queerie ~*~
(Plot, Creator, etc...)

Characters of Eerie Queerie ~*~
(Bio, Gallery, etc...)

Information on Eerie Queerie ~*~
(Sites, Random, etc...)
Updated 8/23/04- Revised information on Vol.3 so as it's more accurate. Images to come soon.Also information on Vol. 4. Images to come soon. All characters are now listed!
~*~ Disclaimer ~*~
Eerie Queerie belongs to Shuri Shiozu and so do all of her graphics. This isn't for any profit, just to give some information on an absolutely lovely manga to the neglected world.