About Eerie Queerie
Natsuko's gettin' a bit frisky, no?
                                                        ~*~ About Eerie Queerie ~*~
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~*~ About Shuri Shiozu ~*~
Manga-ka of Eerie Queerie, Shiozu-san is fairly new to the manga world. She had won a New Manga Artist award from Shinshokan, her publisher... Yeah, need more info for this WONDERFUL and KAWAII artist.

~*~ Basic Plot of Eerie Queerie ~*~
A high school student named Mitsuo Shiozu has a special gift; The ability to see and communicate with ghosts! It all started one day with the finding of a roaming school girl spirit, which lead to a deep understanding of himself and a close friend. From here, the usually quiet boy attempts to avoids spirits possessing him while also delving further into a border-line shonen-ai relationship with his close friend, Hasunuma.

~*~ Plot from Manga to Manga ~*~
Volume One: Mitsuo Shiozu first meets Kiyomi Suzaka, a wandering school girl spirit who takes possession of Mitsuo to tell her long time crush in life, Hasunuma, that she has a crush on him (While still in Mitsuo's body nonetheless)! Mitsuo's classmates immediately make fun of the two, but when it rains, it pours as Hasunuma seems to share the same feelings "Mitsuo" has for him. After a trying few days where Kiyomi repeatedly controls Mitsuo's body to plan meetings for the two boys, a final confrontation ensures where Kiyomi can finally rest in peace and Mitsuo finally begins his life with his new friend, Hasunuma.
After Kiyomi, Mitsuo figures his life will return to normal. Think again, especially when a beautiful ghost named Natsuko Shiiba enters his life with an abrupt take-over! Natsuko has been a ghost for 6 years and has been 'haunting' a fellow classmate of Mitsuo named Ichi Shirai. Apparently, Ichi was a soccer player who absolutely loved the game, but after an 'accident' with Natsuko, he stopped playing completely. Mitsuo, who wants to help, gets caught up in things and eventually suffers for it. There's a happy ending for everyone, especially Mitsuo as he makes yet another new friend!
Volume One includes two short stores; Step (Which deals with a girl and her brother) and Watermelon and Me; A cute little story dealing with Mitsuo, Hasunuma, and a magical pill. Cute little Afterward as well.

Volume Two: (Warning: Do NOT rely on the summary in the back of Vol 2-It is COMPLETELY inaccurate)
Mitsuo's class is on a four-day summer trip to Lake K at Michinoku Prefecture where they have to stay at a haunted old in run by a creepy old woman! Mitsuo, now paranoid about ghosts possessing him for their wants and needs, suddenly gets a bad case of the hiccups. Scared, Mitsuo's first night at the old inn was spent in misery as each hiccup was counted by a creepy voice. The next day, the old woman (Oniku) tells Mitsuo that if he hiccups 100 times, he'll die! After a tiring day, Mitsuo goes to sleep on the second day- Only to hiccup again! Hasunuma helps put Mitsuo to a peaceful sleep. The next day, after a chat with Ichi, Mitsuo yet again gets the hiccups! Only this time, he's reached the 90s. Now scared, Mitsuo quickly searches for Hasunuma, who quickly stops Mitsuo's hiccups. Afterwards, the truth about the creepy old inn is finally revealed and Mitsuo's four-day-hell finally ends.
Ichi seems to have a problem; He can't stop staring at Mitsuo! Afraid that he might be gay and in love with the boy, Ichi tries to hide it. But nothing escapes the ever vigilant eyes of Hasunuma, who quickly shows Ichi who's boss. The two become rival-like friends and immediately work together to protect Mitsuo from a newly emerged ghost named Kanau Hibiki. Kanau's tragic tale immediately sends Mitsuo off to help him- Only to cause an accident so damaging that Hasunuma becomes seperated from his body! Enter High Priest Mikuni, who keeps Hasunuma as a 'playmate' in exchange for the return of his body. Hasunuma, unable to stop Mikuni's games, has to follow through in order to return to his body. Meanwhile, Mitsuo goes to protect Hasunuma's body from any ghosts only to find that Kanau has taken over Hasunuma's body! Enraged, Mitsuo follows the escaping  'Hasunuma' to the temple where Mikuni finally decides to end the games between him and the real Hasunuma. Mitsuo and Kanau/Hasunuma barge in to find just that! Eventually, a happy ending ensures (Except for Kanau), only to be interrupted by even more trouble as Mitsuo has seemed to been possessed yet again!
Insert cute little Afterword by Shiozu-san.

Volume Three (Warning: Again, innacurate): It's almost New Year's and Mitsuo, Hasunuma and Ichi are helping Mikuni get ready. During this, Mitsuo trips over the body of Itsuki Kagami. He is a medium like Mitsuo and Mikuni offers Itsuki to stay (with plans to use him of course). Not long after Itsuki joins Mistuo and friends, then another male come along. Only this time, he's a silent shrine madien hired by Mikuni! Shino Fujikake seems to have a fasination with the oblivious/apathetic Itsuki. After several failed attempts to win Itsuki's heart, Shino finally succeds when he protects Itsuki from the wrath of an invoked God! While Mikuni attempts to calm God's temper in a sealed room, Mitsuo, Hasunuma and Ichi see off Itsuki and Shino (who turns out to be able to speak). All seems quiet, but nothing sweet ever lasts as Kanau approaches the trio to tell them of some unsettling news; Awful noises are coming from the room that Mikuni is sealed in! The foursome go to investigage, only to find a transformed Mikuni!
Mitsuo looks for a job to help pay for Mikuni's new transformation. After finding an ad searching for psychics to find a stolen mask, Mitsuo is up for the challenge (though with a few doubts) In the Sanjaya househld, the foursome (Mitsuo, Hasunuma, Ichi and Mikuni) meet the three brothers; Nrio the Mikuni-obsessed eldest, Niro the excentric second son, and Satoi the embarrased-to-hell-by-his-brothers third son. Mitsuo is unable to find the mask of Murasaki. Little do the boys know, a goat demon by the name of Yoshikado is hell-bent on finding the mask. Thus, Niro's body is possessed by the demon and chaos ensures! When the possessed Niro casts a spell upon all of the men in the house (except Mitsuo and Mikuni), Mitsuo is horrified as he's captured by "Niro"! Luckily, Mikuni frees himself from the transformation and saves Mitsuo. The demon Yoshikado frees Niro's body and the mask of Murasaki is found, only to reveal a beautiful priestess! The two spirits are reunited and everything is well again.
It's Valentine's Day and Mitsuo is depressed. Apparently, Hasunuma and Ichi recieve lots of chocolates while Mitsuo gets none (except from his mother). So when he finds a romantic invite to meet an admirer behind the school, Mitsuo's happiness is through the roof. The student body president gets wind of Mitsuo's love letter and decides to make the secret meeting a public show. Mitsuo manages to meet the romantic love letter writer in private, but he is immensely disappointed and decides to just show up to the student body president's little show. Thus, Mitsuo shows up to the meeting place, alone, and waits in embarrasment for a no show. But Hasunuma comes to save his friend, dressed in drag as a beautiful woman! After the meeting, Hasunuma and Mitsuo share a brief moment, where Mitsuo suddenly gets shaken up by Hasunuma's lips! Can it be love?
Also includes cute little Afterword from Shiozu-san.

Volume Four (Warning: The back is a little accurate, but only covers about half of the story): Mitsuo has a problem; He's falling in love with Hasunuma! The sexual acts that Hasunuma always does used to be annoying and confusing to Mitsuo, but now they're a huge turn-on. Not wanting to fall for his friend (as Mitsuo believes that Hasunuma is straight), Mitsuo attempts to hide it. Unfortunately, his parents decide to move to Osaka because of his father's job. Mitsuo, not wanting to go away from his friends, decides to find a job as a maid in the Sanjaya household! Niro is hoping to employ a beautiful woman so Mitsuo decides to dress in drag. But when Niro begins to fall for him, Mitsuo begins to get a bit stressed. Luckily, Mikuni comes along, ruining Mitsuo's disguise but saving him from being molested! The three enjoy the blossoms and tea, but a secret about Niro is revealed which is quite surprising!
Hasunuma is depressed. Apparently, Mitsuo is allowed to stay while his parents leave, but he's staying with Mikuni! Still not quite forviging Mikuni for what the priest did to him and to Mitsuo, Hasunuma decides to freeload at the shrine to ensure Mitsuo's safety. Mikuni and Kanau leave to exorcise a spirit but when he returns, Mikuni isn't the same! Figuring the priest to be possessed, Mitsuo calls for Ichiro Sanjaya in hopes of an exorsism. But Ichiro isn't around and when yet another Mikuni shows up, things are finally revealed. Unfortunately for Mitsuo, the truth that he's falling in love with Hasunuma is revealed! Not wanting to ruin their friendship with his lustful wants, Mitsuo decides to declare his love for, Mikuni?! This leaves a deep wound and shock in Hasunuma (who suspects that Mikuni is behind this declaration). Thus, the three live in the shrine with much fanservice and chaos, Mitsuo not wanting Hasunuma to know that he loves him, and Hasunuma striving to find out why Mitsuo would love Mikuni. Finally, Mikuni confronts the two with a game. There is a paper doll pinned in the forest; If Mitsuo gets it first, then Mikuni won't tell Hasunuma his secret. But if Hasunuma gets it first, then he'll tell Mitsuo's secret. Thus the two go out into the woods to find it. They wind up in an arguement, but at last the truth is out and Mitsuo and Hasunuma are finally together!
Includes short little "epiloge" where Hasunuma and Mitsuo have a bit of trouble in bed and a small return of Shino and Itsuki! Afterword from Shiozu-san as well as several cute cames, including a crossword and a recipe!

As you're reading these four volumes, take note of how Shiozu's art work changes. When you compare, you'll think Hasunuma is two different people! She changes dramatically through these four, but it's all good as her characters remain the same.
