One Reason

What do you seek?

Amid the rubble of the world

For surely it has fallen

I felt the tremor in my heart

The echoes have yet to fade

And my life has broken with it

  In memory of September 11th....



OCT 22 - I've converted this page from HTML to FrontPage. I'm kind of learning how to use this program as I go, please forgive any errors. Anyway, got the banner, a poem of mine, and a few hyperlinks.

OCT 23 - Added some clipart, definitely go check out the web page I got it off. Dee really has some awesome stuff. Credit is on the bottom of the page. Also added rain effect, email link, and touched up some stuff.

<Insert here the many updates I forgot to record :-P >

JAN 16 - Put the finishing touches on everything, trivia page is complete, etc etc. Everything has been uploaded onto the internet, and can be viewed directly from there.

This is my animated gif. Please excuse the poor quality of the picture, it warped when I downsized it.


Title banner (top of page) courtesy of Creative Connectivity.

Rain Effect courtesy of Dynamic Drive.

Dragon Icons (top of page) courtesy of the awesome talent of Dee Dreslough.

"One Reason", property of me.

Animated Gif property of me.