Take alms (zakah) out of their property, you would cleanse them and purify them thereby, and pray for them; surely your prayer is a relief to them; and Allah is Hearing, Knowing. (At Taubah 103) A Muslim who has money beyond a certain quantity is to pay the Zakah. It is also called the alms due or poor due. It is to be used in eight categories for welfare of the society that are mentioned in the Qur'an, namely: the poor, the needy, the sympathizers, the captives, the deptors, the cause of Allah, the wayfarers, and for those who are to collect it. Refer this site for individual zakah zakat.al-islam.com Zakah Fitr, etc 1. Based on the calculation from the Islamic Center Japan the zakah Fitr is 1,500 yen/person. The zakah fitr is compulsory for every one include the baby although he/she delivered just before Eid-ul fitr come. 2. Insha Allah MMSA will help to collect and send the zakah Fitr to the proper organization. 3. The zakah for our income or our wealth is 2.5 % from the wealth which we posses for one year. Also we can help tocollect and send this kind of zakah to the proper organization. For further information about infaq-fi-Sabilillah and sadaqah, please contact to MCM Treasurer. |