marcee's millennial mansion
Rooms with a view
Welcome to my millennial mansion. Let your imagination carry you away to another realm...another universe.

Each room contains fiction for the discriminating adult / slash reader. In other words, most of the stories on this site are rated NC-17.

NOTE:  If you are underage (as in 17 years old or younger), or if male-2-male sexual relationships are not your cup of java, PLEASE click the [Back] button on your web browser now. Thank you!
The Orion Room
featuring Star Trek - The Original Series
The latest additions
Carnivale 2--Dancing Aloud
Carnivale 3--Dance of Obsession --

The Birthday Wish
The Search
Where There's a Will
Decisions Made
The Archer Constellation
featuring Star Trek - Enterprise
The latest addition
Crossing the Line I -- NEW!
The Panther's Lair
featuring The Sentinel
Read my Dreambook guestbook!
Sign my Dreambook!
In-progress fiction
Mother Love