Ribs and Frame
After leveling the fixture, the ribs are located in their proper position and held in place with scrap peices of 2" X 4" screwed to the fixture on both sides of the ribs.
One of the first steps in assembling the frame is to fabricate  a fixture. The fixture will secure the ribs and keep them level during construction.
This view is aft of the craft looking fwd.
View of the stringer installation.
The stringers at the nose were pulled together with bungee cords, then screwed to a wooden block.
This is a inside view of the cockpit looking fwd.
Installing the extra support stringers for the lift engine.
Installing the extra support stringers for the lift engine.
Left view of the frame.
Right view of the frame.
Aft view of the frame. This is were the thrust engine framework will be installed.
A over head view of fib #1. The lift duct will be located directly behind the rib.
The frame work is pretty much complete. Sanding and shaping will be required to install the skins.
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