Timeline (About the Kids' Names)

September 1997: Mordechai and Naomi meet for the first time.

October 1997: Mordechai and Naomi are engaged.

February 25 (30 Shevat) 1998: Mordechai and Naomi are married.

Saturday May 27 (22 Iyar) 2000, 3:15 am: Avi is born. His full name is Avraham Netanel and he is named after Mordechai's grandfathers (both were named Avraham). Netanel means "given from G-d". Avi was born one day before his due date and weighed in at 2.74 kilos (6 lbs).

Spring/Summer 2000: This website is created in order to display pictures of Avi to our family and friends around the world.

Thursday May 2 (20 Iyar) 2002, 1:10 am: Yedidya is born. His full name is Yedidya Meir, which means "G-d's friend enlightens". Yedidya was born five days after his due date and weighed in at 3.3 kilos (7.3 lbs).

Monday February 23 (1 Adar) 2004, 12:44 am: Ora is born . Her full name is Ora Rivka. Ora means light and she is named after Naomi's grandmother Rivka. She was born two and a half weeks before her due date and weighed a mere 2.58 kilos (5.7 lbs).

Friday March 30(11 Nissan) 2007, 5:44 am: Elisheva is born . Her full name is Elisheva Efrat. Elisheva was a righteous woman and the wife of the High Priest Aaron. Efrat is a reminder that she is named after my grandmother, Faiga. The Midrash says that Efrat is another name for Miriam. She was born five days before her due date and weighed 3.59 kilos (7.9 lbs).

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