1. Please allow for the chat window to LOAD, may take a few minutes. It will appear as shown below in Picture 1.
Picture 1
2. Left click using your mouse in the "Your nickname"
box shown above in Picture 1.
3. Type in a nick name / forums nick Eg: I will use example as my
NOTE: Leave Your Email Address box as it is
"Java User"
4. Click the "Connect" Button shown above in Picture
5. The window will change as shown below in Picture 2.
Picture 2
6. Please allow time to connect. Picture 2 above shows
you are in the process of connecting.
7. Once connected, window will appear as shown below in Picture 3.
Picture 3
8. Once window has appeared as shown in Picture 3. You
are now ready to start chatting with others.
9. Left Click your mouse in the Message Box as shown above in Picture 3.
Then type in your message. Now press enter for your message to appear on the
Main Chat Screen.
10. Begin Chatting as shown below in Picture 4.
Picture 4
11. Ok you are ready to chat, but a couple more things you may want to know.
12. I will label in BLUE what you need to know, below in Picture 5.
Picture 5
13. Descriptions
Main Chat Screen - Is where you will see the Chat Discussion.
Message Box - Where you type in your message to appear on the Main
Chat Screen. Note: press enter key when ready to post message.
User List Screen - Shows the current users chatting and listening.
Operator - Is also known as a Moderator. [As shown with a @ and a
spider like symbol] These are the people that will be able to help you.
Also, they will kick out Users that abuse the chat.
Questions and Answers
Q: What will cause me to be kicked out of the chat room?
A: * If you abuse other users.
*If you flood the Main Chat Screen.
Common Sense stuff.
Q: What is Flooding the Main Chat Screen?
A: Repeated messages by a user that annoys and interrupts others
Eg: This is flooding the Screen. Cope This Cope This Cope This Cope This
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Hope you enjoy the chat and if you have any more questions, please feel
free to ask me in the Chat "nick v8coupe"
or email me at mailto:v8coupe@hotmail.com